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alicent hummed softly in response not steering her attention away from braiding zaenyas long and silky hair that the brunette grew to adore, liking the long strings of silk ranking through her fingers. the gloomy weather outside the high walls made all stay indoors as light patters of raindrops fell to the stone walls and cold breeze blowing gently by

zaenya was seated on the soft fur carpet legs crossed and back leaning against alicent letting the brunette braid her hair, fire crackling and silence peaceful until the tall woman spoke up "what happened between you and rhaenyra?"

that question made alicent pause in her seat and a pain passed by her chest at the mention of the woman ...her old friend

"...oh" was all she could muster up to say as her eyes drifted off just when old memories flooded back into her mind, very memories she burned away over these years trying to forget everthing and anything about rhaenyra "rhaenyra and i were ...past companions"

the tall woman turned her slightly to place a tiny kiss on the brunette's thigh letting her know that if she didn't wish to speak on it then she doesn't have to, alicent smiled at that feeling her heart flatter at the small gesture "we've known each other since we were young maidens, i was soon to be her lady in waiting seeing to that she had done all her duties as princess whilst she always lured me away from my own duties to show that there is more to just what was known at court" soon alicent got comfortable in opening old wounds carrying on with her braiding

"i suppose we had fond memories made together with her convincing from to ride on her dragon with her and my constant refusal" that very moment flashed before the brunettes eyes as she dazed off to memory lane "we've always been quite attached to the hip—until the death of her mother and the kings taking on me as his wife" the grim feeling simmered in alicent remembering how scared and dirty she felt when she had to marry the king at only the age of six and ten, how rhaenyra looked to her with tears of betrayal and hurt when the news was announced

zaenya noticed the far look in alicents eyes and turned her whole body around to face her uncrossing her legs to stretch them before grasping the womans hands and kissing each "you don't have to go on..."

alicent snapped out of her mind and looked down to zaenya, the tender care in her eyes of two made her own brown ones soften along with the gentle smile adorning her peach lips "it's okay" she said in the same caring tone zaenya used

"years passed and the bond we once shared faded away, at times there would be moments of longing yes but i was blinded by conniving hands leading to the on building strife between both counterparts—and after the encounter on the night of driftmark, it changed everything that we ever once had, the friendship buried in the deepest parts of the seas where neither one could regain" the bitter thoughts alicent had of rhaenyra over the years has made her unforgiving to whatever was bestowed upon the heir to the iron throne, the venom of otto had clearly sunk way to deep within alicent and spread across covering every good she once held

yet it seems the venom was slowly sucking its way out bit by bit ever since zaenya targaryen made her chaotic presence known in alicents life, and soon the oncoming regret shall barrel beneath the pits of alicents stomach with all she had done and said to rhaenyra when the right moment hits her where the harsh truth will strike in her face like a harsh blow

"is that why they moved to dragonstone?" zaenya tilted her head with a small pout in thought and alicent nodded in confirmation, though the tall woman may seem carefree and wild at times—there was no denying her hidden intelligence that she kept to herself, she picked at alicents explanation and paired it with what rhaenyra had told her once of her mistreatment at court without naming whom it was

zaenya seem to catch on quickly and slowly lifted her gaze to alicent "...how long your father been in court serving as hand?"

alicent furrowed her brow slightly at the odd question but answered nonetheless "since i was a babe, he served as the late king jaehaerys hand before your uncle, why do you ask?"

the tall woman leaned back on her palms nodding slowly "s'nothing cupcake ..m'just wondering" she gave the brunette an assured smile eying the brunette for a small moment

it's not like zaenya was suspecting alicent in any way, not at all—but her suspicions had always been on the brunettes father from the first she saw him to the times she heard complaints of him from her own father, and the mistreatment rhaenyra and the boys had endured from alicent hasn't just spawned from anywhere else, something or someone had talked the same venom alicent held for rhaenyra into the brunette ...and a dots pointed towards the very hand that seem to always have his sharp gaze onto zaenya, always lurking near her when she wasn't looking

but zaenya always knew he was there and she wanted to know as to why he did, so she played stupid—and ever since zaenya and alicent had grown close, the tall woman noticed otto keeping an extra eye on her

alicent saw the drifted off look in zaenya's eyes and her brows knitted in concern "are you okay?"

zaenya blinked once, twice, three times returning back to where she was and glanced to a pair of brown eyes watching her with worry, zaenya just smiled with a nod of her head not wanting to give in the gut feeling brewing within her "m'okay"

the brunette was still hesitant in the woman's answer but zaenya shook her head "i promise, now c'mere and give me a kiss"

the flirting nature of zaenya made the worry vanish from alicent and soon a blush flourished onto her cheeks, not wasting any second further alicent got from the chair and made her way to sit onto the lap of zaenya so that she could press their lips together

zaenya hugged the brunette close letting their lips glide against another enjoying the feeling of the womans peachy lips on hers that she'll never forget to savor each time they kissed, with alicent the same as her hands layed onto zaenyas shoulders before sliding up to cup the womans face just as their kiss deepened

the tall woman didn't want to listen to her intuitive thoughts of alicent, she refused to as she grew very fond of the brunette in more ways than she could ever imagine feelings this way of another woman. she didn't want to believe alicent would cause such harm without being forced to act as such, without someone whispering the orders in her ear

zaenya wished not to think of alicent like that because she knew there was a side of the brunette that no one other than zaenya knew, understood

and she will continue to stand on her believe that alicent was–is stuck in a cage where she could not escape, even if the gates were wide open

A/N: enjoy the sweet moments while it last yall, cause TRUST the angst will hurt🥰😍 and the mention of rhaenyra and alicents past friendship will be part of a change of plot and arc i plan on doing for alicent

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