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             obsession could be a void of suffocating                 possession and envy, hurt and rage

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             obsession could be a void of suffocating
                possession and envy, hurt and rage


was a word one would use if you looked deep into the eyes of the tall woman, the specks of depth possessive obsession sparkled in her eyes whenever they wondered to the brunette woman dressed in green. she suppose she had gotten it from her father, mayhaps her cunt of a mother

yet she always knew once she set her eyes upon something she truly yearned, she'd never stop giving up until she had it in her palms ...all hers to keep forever. every corner zaenya turned, she swore she saw flashes of emerald glint pass her eyes, swirls of brown hair swinging far from her view and the scent of cinnamon engulfing her nose

each day that passed as zaenya stayed at the red keep, the more her self control ticked away piece by piece. and with her uncle half dead practically, she ceased each tiny moment to atleast lore the green queen into her personal trap

yet unbeknownst to the tall woman, that very brunette had driven herself slightly crazy as her mind suddenly drifted off to that certain woman. alicent would catch herself thinking about zaenya whenever she'd daze off and soon the feeling of guilt, uncertain warmth and disgust filled her body

why was her every thought filled with this ...bastard?

it brought the queen shame to even interact with this woman, it was wrong and her father would demise her for these unruly thoughts floating in her mind. alicent had grown conflicted ever since zaenya's arrival as a new feeling now entered her body whenever her eyes unconsciously drifted to the tall woman speaking to people who weren't her


eyes of brown looked towards the sight that made her lips curl down and a scowl planted her face, the obnoxious giggles swifted in the wind and entered the ears of the green queen further souring her mood. how could this mere girl practically throw herself like some common whore on zaenya?

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