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            mayhaps the oddness in one can be quite                                      comforting

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            mayhaps the oddness in one can be quite

Zaenya wasn't the type to fond over the thought of a child near her presence, she found those small beast patronizing, annoying and utterly disgusting, and she wasn't the one to shy away her annoyance whenever a child was before her wanting to poke fun around her—yet here she is with a deep scowl on her face, seated on the ground with a tiara made of wood on her head

three tiny creatures giggling and dancing around her with their own little crowns on their heads, this was the worst zaenya has ever had, hell she even found it more torturing that actually being tortured

"you must obey my order and kill the evil princess!" the little girl by the name of jaehaera said with her chin up and her chest boasted out, her small body adorned a messy dress filled with various materials with some slipping from her shoulders due to it being slightly bigger than her size

"but i am just a huntsman my queen! i cannot kill the evil queen, she's evil!" the other by the name of maelor spoke up with dramatics

"we are your king and queen good ser, so obey us!" the last boy jaehaerys, the twin of jaehaera huffed out waving around his stick that was supposedly his kingly staff

zaenya groaned loudly burying her face in her palms "why did i agree to this" she mumbled to herself with utter regret

the giggles of helaena was heard as the timid princess clapped her hands happily "this is amazing!" she beamed enjoying the little play her children and zaenya entertained them with

ah, there's the reason zaenya was here in the first place—she seemingly found herself stuck in this position due to the fact that alicent could not stop herself from talking highly of her only daughter and her grandchildren, the sight of seeing a happy alicent made zaenya melt into a pathetic puddle and enjoyed the view more not hearing a word the brunette said

so when alicent asked her if she wanted to meet helaena and the children, she nodded wordlessly even if she didn't hear the question clearly—seems as though her own dazed out mind got her here playing dress up with children


"there she is! strike now huntsman!" jaehaera yelled pointing to the grumbled woman just as maelor ran over with a warrior cry leaving his mouth, a tiny wooden sword in his hold and an oversize helmet on his head

zaenya stared blankly at the small boy hitting her with his weapon that barely did any justice as she was tempted to push him on the ground—which she gave into her temptations and did so, with one hand and only using a bit of her strength to push maelor to the ground so he would cease his attacks

"oof" the boys helmet fell off as he now pouted "hey! you were suppose to let me win!" he whined throwing his sword aside

"not my fault you're a terrible swordsmen!" she retorted back just as childishly

maelor just stuck his tongue out in response with zaenya returning it

helaena giggled gleefully "ah amazing as always! you were so brave maelor" praised the princes towards her elder son who jumped up to his feet smiling triumphantly

zaenya rolled her eyes at that "i'll have you know he infact failed to do his duty ordered by the king and queen" stated the woman crossing her arms

jaehaera giggled running over to zaenya and dropping onto the woman's lap "s'okay to accept a loss berry!" grinned the girl

the woman huffed "you have a smart mouth that i do not like, not one bit beasty"

"berry? that's an odd name to give someone" said helaena as she now stood taking the crowns off her children and zaenya

"i like berries, so i named her berry because i like her mama!" jaehaera smiled hugging zaenya's body, the woman just patted the girls back awkwardly

"why don't you pack all these away and gave us a moment darling" smiled the princess as she ushered her giggling children away from zaenya

the tall woman stood up dusting off her pants "remind me to never agree to these silly ideas children have" complained the woman stretching her limbs from sitting on the ground and enduring the high energy of the three

helaena smiled "yet moments like these remind you of home surrounded by the stone dragon pillars" she spoke in riddles while packing some books away on the shelf

zaenya grew curious at this "dragon pillars? you mean dragonstone" she rose her brow

the princess just shrugged "the longing in your heart for the brown haired rubies of three resides, you wish to return to them"

that made the tall woman pause as her brows furrowed in confusion, yet as the eyes of helaena gazed to her knowingly, it dawned on zaenya as her face softened at the mention of the three bastards–her three bastards "can i ask you something?" she said after a moment of quietness

helaena nodded giving her full attention to zaenya "do you know why i came to you?" asked zaenya hoping to resolve something she'd quickly took notice between alicent and helaena

the princess just smiled stretching her hand out to tap zaenya's hand gently "you hold another brown haired emerald in haste desire and hidden admire, careful for trouble that would follow and stay true to your heart even if it will feel hollow" its as if helaena could not speak as a normal person would as her words would always end in riddles, ones of which confused the tall woman entirely

yet she brushed it off, she brushed off the feeling of knowing her words meant something deeper that it led one

"now, tell me more of your half sisters! they seem absolutely wonderful!" helaena was quick to change the subject as she grinned dragging zaenya to the table and practically shoving her into the chair "baela is the brave one of the two whilst rhaena is more tamed and quiet yes?" the princess eyes twinkled at the mention as she poured zaenya lemon juice before handing it to her

"thanks..?" zaenya tilted her head at the odd behavior of helaena but didn't question it

helaena kept the smile of her face "i do not fancy the taste of wine so i hope this is to your standards" she poured herself a glass before sitting herself beside the woman "now tell me!" she urged on

zaenya couldn't help but let a small smile slip on her lips as she glanced at helaena, mayhaps the oddness in one can be quite comforting

A/N: take careful note of this chapter along with ones mentioning helaena and the children, it plays a part in future events of zaenya's arc

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