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emerald meets emeraldviolet with violetbattle between which ground it fight forsoon it will come yes

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emerald meets emerald
violet with violet
battle between which ground it fight for
soon it will come yes

"Still she refuses?" the frustration made its way on aegons face as he scrunched up the letter handed to him "must another of her bastards be killed for her to comply" the king hissed out downing his beverage

alicent barely took notice of her sons rageful tantrums as she stared outside the window stall, a white cloth to her mouth in attempts to withhold the nauseous she felt "now grandsire sends aemond away when he was our greatest asset, how are suppose to win this damned war if none of you inform me of haste decisions?! i am your bloody king!" aegon throw his goblet against the wall out of anger

the brunette, already use to her sons behavior spared him a glance removing the cloth from her mouth "yet you act like a child, and you wonder why they've left you blinded with their decisions whilst you boast about drinking yourself mad and making a fool of yourself" alicent snapped clearly agitated with the simplest things

aegon flared his nostrils "i do not have the patience for yuur meaningless words mother"

alicent scoffed "then leave me be and seek guidance from your grandsire if my words are deem meaningless"

the king glared "you forget yourself, no longer have you the power to speak and do as pleased mother" he took slow steps towards her "what useful thing have you done for me other than sulk about, constantly shutting down my plans on killing those fucking traitors"


"i am not done woman" aegon snapped cutting whatever she was to say off "mayhaps taking your word had been a fault of my own when grandsire would've eliminated my enemies the moment that whore declared herself queen, mayhaps you wish for us to lose this war all for the merciful heart you unfortunately have, mayhaps grandsire was right about you" he paused eyes flaring with rage just as otto would look to alicent all her life

"you were nothing before whoring yourself out to my father so you can be queen–"


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