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                                     ...family ...?

Alicent waited

she waited patiently with brows furrowed and lips pursed, the slow clicks of her heels against the floors as she paced with her hands wringed together—the two gold rings with emerald and violet jewels placed in the middle swirled impatiently around the brunettes fingers matching how anxious the woman felt in that very moment

helaena whom had been standing near the wall away from the men discussing matters, watched her mother with a close knowing eye with her own hand picking at her cuticles. it had been hours since her mother had been pacing like this, so often lost in thought that she thought might break down into insanity any moment

eye for an eye

had been the words helaena repeated for days now, words she could not stop reciting as her own mind went into a pit of endless thoughts, visions that frightened her greatly to the point where sleepless nights had been lost and paranoia slowly began creeping in

eye for an eye

"i trust he will bring success from his trip, i do not know why you worrying yourself like this mother" aegon broke alicent from her mind nearing the pacing woman before taking a quick glance at his still wife in the far corner mumbling to herself once again

'crazed girl' aegon thought mentally rolling his eyes, why couldn't he marry a more normal and decent woman yet was stuck with his sister that acts like an unhumane creature

alicent barely glanced his way "your brother might be less reckless than you'd ever be but he is unpredictable so i know not what to expect from this personal discussion with lord borros when a raven could've been sent"

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