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I've missed you too

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I've missed you too

Alicent, surrounded by the soothing sounds of the water garden, sits peacefully with her precious daughter, calla cradled in her arms. the gentle rustle of the water features and the sweet scent of blooming flowers create a calming atmosphere, perfect for a quiet afternoon of reading and bonding

as alicent reads from the book, her voice is like music, gentle and melodious, filling the air with wonder and magic. calla nestled comfortably in her mother's embrace, her eyes began flattering close, drinking in the words and the love that flows from alicents mouth

the tea, pastries and fruits nearby add a touch of warmth and coziness to the scene, symbolizing the simple pleasures and joys of motherhood. the soft sunlight filtering through the garden's lush greenery casts a warm glow, illuminating the tender moment, and infusing it with a sense of peace and contentment

in this tranquil setting, alicent and calla are lost in their own little world, where time stands still, and all that matters is the love they share. the books, a symbol of knowledge and imagination, serve as a reminder of the wonders that await calla as she grows and the special bond she shares with her mother

"cupcake" the voice of her love made alicent snap her eyes up from the words and a bright smile came to her face, zaenyas arrival brings a new wave of love and warmth "my love!" the tall woman chuckled lightly at the womans excitement but her heart warmed nonetheless

as she greet alicent with a tender kiss on the lips, the gentle gesture speaks volumes about the deep affection and connection they share "there's my pretty girl" zaenya reaches down and kisses calla's head, the little one's eyes flutter open, revealing those big beautiful brown eyes, a perfect inheritance from alicent. the moment is filled with joy and wonder as zaenya coos over their daughter's adorable features

alicents heart swells with happiness, seeing her love and their child bonding in such a sweet way. the three of them form a perfect little family unit, surrounded by the serene beauty of the water garden.

zaenyas presence adds a new layer of warmth and comfort to the scene, as they settle in beside alicent, wrapping their arms around both her and calla as the little girls gummy smile and sparkling eyes light up the scene, as she gazes at zaenya with pure delight. the little one's babbling and gurgling sounds are music to zaenyas ears, who nods along, smiling widely, completely enchanted by their daughter's antics

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