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What have you plan now?

"Helaena has not left her room since that night, she blames herself for what happened and cannot even look at maelor the same knowing what choice she made—your son, your grandson could've been killed yet you worry more of mere skeptical sightings of zaenya accusing her of orchestrating the whole ordeal?" alicent looked to aegon and otto tiredly

their ceaseless attempts at blaming zaenya for the happening of blood and cheese, it was told to the king that a wild dragon was spotted through the night loaming near the queens chambers and specks of silver locks glistened by the moonlight was seen mounted ontop of the wild dragon, moments after the invasion and captivity of the queen, queen mother and children of the king

otto was steadfast on finding the said woman and imprisoning her for these statements, and with the king's agreement—they've sent out word in search for zaenya targaryen to be brought back to kings landing for questioning and imprisonment "you saw the bodies that laid around the room, they were the ones who wanted to take the life of little maelor, mayhaps jaehaerys"

aegon rubbed his temples "have they been identified?"

"scums of flea bottom, the very city both daemon and his daughter know to well, they have people loyal to them" otto continued

alicent sighed "father"

"it is true!" he banged fist on the table "rhaenyra ordered zaenya to send those men to kill the kings sons as revenge for lucerys death, our peaceful terms have been nothing but fell to deaf ears"

"than what do you propose we do?" aegon looked to his hand

otto leaned forward folding his hands "they push started this war the moment rhaenyra crowned herself breaking the law now they attempt to take the life of your kin ...if war is what they want, that's what we shall give them"

alicent didn't have the energy to protest against her fathers word as she stayed still turning her eyes away from them

aegon thought for a small moment before he shrugged "war it is then" the king complied with a smile

"i shall call upon the council and our allies" otto stood before bowing "your grace" he spared no glance at his daughter before leaving

the door shut behind leaving the two alone "are you not proud mother, i am doing what is expected of a king" sarcastic was his tone

alicent looked to him "do you know what sacrifices was made to put you on that throne" there was point all had within them, a point where hope was long gone and the anticipation was now welcomed with open arms

alicent had reached that point

aegon rolled his eyes "going to give me one of those dreadful speeches again? if so, spare me the words for i simply cannot find the care for it"

the brunette blinked tiredly "i wish you well aegon, truly, truly had i been blinded to see what would happen with putting you on your fathers throne, taking his place after him—the hope i had that my son will succeed just as his father would, yet had i been wrong" alicent stood from her seat brushing down her dress, it was different than the usual ...green had it been no longer as the velvet dark blue dress replaced the emerald the brunette usually wore and no more was gold accents sowed into her dress, no more golden jewelry adorning her form–rather was silver

no more was it colors of her fathers house, rather her mothers

"i had served the realm and my house for most of my lifetime, served it with honor and upheld my house words—lady alicent hightower dutiful and obedient serving as a symbol for your grandsire, queen alicent targaryen dutiful and obedient serving as a symbol for your father, now must it be dowager queen alicent hightower dutiful and obedient serving as a symbol for you?" for once aegon made no comment staring at his mother

"when will i get to decide what i want, what brings me happiness other than constant misery, when will alicent tully break free from this cycle of serving men who misuse their power? should i not deserve just as much as freedom for all i've sacrificed, for all i've done?" alicent furrowed her brows not finding it in her to be angry "regretful and shameful things i've done yes, and i am willing to pay the price for, i am paying the price for it—so i wish you well my son in whatever plans you set forth next as king"

alicent should feel bad for not finding the care on what aegon does in this war, but she couldn't—its as if her all caved in a hollow pit

with a small bow, alicent left the room

was this her karma? is this what the gods punished her with for what was caused? what has been done?

mayhaps death will knock on our doorstep next

thought the brunette, a sigh leaving her lips as she walked out the castle walls to the gardens, a place she fond of ..beautiful was it once now the flowers grow dull and gloomy

the further she stepped, the more she came to a conclusion on what to do not for the sake of her son, for her father—but for herself rather, for her daughter so she could escape this life, this miserable life

so lost in her mind, alicent hadn't noticed how far she walked as the gates blocked her from exiting the castle. her eyes peaked over the small passage way to see a lake ...a meadow perhaps she couldn't be sure

curious, alicent looked around to check if the gate was locked and to her luck the large lock hung loosely around the gate bars. with a small usage of her strength, alicent opened the gate with a huff before she went by

her assumptions were correct, it had been a meadow on what seems to be the far end of the castle. it was quiet ...water splashing ever so lightly with weeping willow trees all around, the grass damp and green

hm, quite interesting

alicent was sure no one discovered this part of the red keep, she was certainly glad she was the first to as she walked deeper moving the pendulant branches aside so she could get closer to the water. the brunette paused looking to the scenery before taking in a deep breathe letting the forest like scent invaded her nose

the stillness calmed her for once, all tension leaving her body as her mind cleared giving her clear answers to all her doubtful questions

father will not like this alicent

than he must be ...set aside i suppose

what do you intale?

he is my father yes, but has he treated me as his daughter? so i should not concern myself for what will fall upon him

these bounced around in her head, a choice to make for herself for once, what alicent wanted

decisions, decisions

are you sure about this?

he left me no choice, now the ball is in his court

oh alicent, what have you plan now

A/N: the new trailers look so good, plus found these new alicent gifs on tumblr and i couldn't help myself😩 wonder what ali pooks has cooking up now🤔

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