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           You will find moonlit nights strangely empty
        because, when you call my name through them,
                         there will be no answer

"Everything goes according to plan, doesn't it? the feeling of every single detail falling right into place feels so, i could i say hm—spontaneous? fulfilling even?" chuckled the man as the smirk never filtered from his lips "and i didn't even have to lift a single finger whilst it commenced" he boasted on as his sharp eyes looked around the room before landing on the figure of zaenya seated on the edge of the bed with her own gaze stuck to the floor and for the first time, the woman had remained still in the presence of otto hightower

"i do hope you come to your senses and make a decision, in haste if you will because my time is limited and i have a true king to crown"

was the last taunting word he said before leaving the room and the sound of the door locking was soon followed after

zaenya hasn't recalled how long she's been seated in her place, eyes never moving from the floor and her head had no thought swirling in it

all was heard behind the locked window stalls was the ringing of the bells and crowds of people chattering, screams of guards and distant horns blowing—clear indication that all should gather and march to the dragon pits where a crime is to commence, a false king to be crowned and a betrayal to be brought to light

what was zaenya to do? it was the fault of her own that she had fallen in the hands that were alicent hightower, and ironic was it to the taller woman that she had rather been the prey rather than the hunter

she could laugh even, but zaenya couldn't even muster up any sort of emotion so she just sat there in silence awaiting the expected arrival of the very woman


ah, there she was

the door had unlocked and opened as zaenya saw the flash of green enter in the corner of her eye but made no move to look her way

𝘽𝘼𝙎𝙏𝘼𝙍𝘿'𝙎 𝘽𝙇𝙊𝙊𝘿Where stories live. Discover now