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TW: zaddy zaenya soloing as usual, mention of gore, zaenya serving cunt, criston cole and his delusions

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TW: zaddy zaenya soloing as usual, mention of gore, zaenya serving cunt, criston cole and his delusions

TW: zaddy zaenya soloing as usual, mention of gore, zaenya serving cunt, criston cole and his delusions

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Want to make that fantasy
a reality?

Flames overtook the castle that was once known as the
great harrenhal made of high strong stones that no man could hammer nor fight through, now see where it lays, horrid to the imagine with people screaming and crying for their life as soilders ordered by the prince aemond and ser criston tormented and killed these innocent men, women and children

it was a nightmare for the people of harrenhal ever since lord lynol and ser harwin strong had died, and the vengeance aemond seeked in the strongs had driven him blind with rage and hatred leading to the deaths of ever strong at harrenhal

yet the prince had not stayed long as he mounted his dragon vhagar and flew to where others could not say, leaving ser criston to overlook whilst the men readied themselves to march into the open fields and fight the enemy side by ser criston and the prince aemonds command

alone was he in the castle walls as the man paced slowly taking in their next plan of victory, criston couldn't help but smirk with hints of smugness as he believed they were moments away from wining this war and finally killing that whore of a woman rhaenyra with that bastard sons of hers and that puny cunt daemon


the joy criston would feel when he can finally kill them all, most importantly that freak bastard zaenya, oh how he despised that fool with all his bitter heart—he had hoped aegon had found her and dealt with her, finally put an end to her life for once

"coward bastard" he scoffed to himself finding the rage reach him again the more he thought of zaenya, part of him wishes she was caught, beaten yet still alive in those glimy dark cells so he could get the kings permission and kill her himself

criston sighed out throwing the map down on the table before grasping the cup and chugging down the stale wine "hate that fucking targaryens" he mumbled in a spat, dark eyes filled with disgust and anger

unbeknownst to that raging man talking to himself, in the far corners of the room watched a pair of eyes that held a hollow void of emotion, shades of two hadn't lightened themselves for a long time and it was yet to spark any sort of emotion—empty was the tall woman watching criston silently, head tilting and dark cloak covering her form

interesting, she always found criston, she found it interesting how this man mustered every ounce of audacity to do and say as he pleased all because he couldn't get what he wanted when he should've known he was just a mere guard with nothing in his name nor was the honor he once had returned over the years, zaenya truly found criston pathetic

"my blade will sink in their skin once and for all, especially that smug little freak sure to be locked in the cells like the dog she is" his muttering brought zaenya from her thoughts

violet and green eyes slowly made their way to look at the man, pupils turned sharp and her lips now in a straight line, she watched as the man now slumped in the chair back facing her as he looked at the map once more

stupid man

with no ounce of sound heard in the room to suspect zaenya's presence, the woman made her way towards criston with her eyes burning into the back of his head

criston was to busy mumbling to himself about how he was going to kill zaenya, failing to notice the very person was in the same room as him and standing right behind him

"want to make that fantasy a reality"

criston snapped his head so fast around as his widened eyes made contact with the empty gaze of zaenya

before he could draw his weapon, she was quick to whip off her cloak and take out two daggers sending a hit with the hilt of one of the daggers to his face. criston fall off the chair holding his face with a pained groan leaving his lips

zaenya didn't even give the man time to breath as she pounced on him, stabbing the daggers in both his palms as the blades pierced into the floors—criston eyes widened even further as he screamed

the woman punched him straight in the mouth, so hard the man's teeth broke off and flew in the back of his throat and the blood flowed causing him to choke "c'mon, wanted to kill so bad yeah?" she taunted laying another hard punch to his nose, breaking it "wanted to sink your blade in my throat?" another punch

"calling me a freak and a coward bastard when you're the pathetic one still throwing a pissy fit over the fact that you got rejected? wanted to kill yourself like a pussy because everyone now saw how much of a bitch you were when you killed a innocent lad? crying like a whiny cunt 'cause you couldn't get what you want, you miserable, sorry excuse of a man?" sneered zaenya laying a punch after every insult

bleeding and half conscious was the man as he laid there moments away from closing his eyes, zaenya shook her head "no no, you're goin' to die when i decide when" she stood up taking the jug of wine and pouring it all over his face

cristone gurgled and coughed as he moved his face away from the pouring wine but no avail since his hands were punchered to the ground with the daggers

"tell me where aemond went" she demanded with a glare

the man just coughed up blood turning away from her

zaenya clenched her jaw taking ahold of the chair and broke off the leg of it "i won't ask again, tell me where he went now" she demanded again

"...fuck ...you" criston managed to cough out spitting blood to her feet

the woman let out a airy chuckle nodding to herself "okay" was all she said before she began beating the man with the chair leg all over

the room was filled with screams of pain as criston felt his legs and hands loose all feeling "tell me where aemond fuckin' went" she yelled over his screams as she targeted his legs, hitting even harder

"fuck!" he shouted out

"i will amputate you in worse ways if you don't open your fuckin' mouth and tell me where the fucker went!" hissed zaenya throwing the stick down and stomped hard on his legs "tell. me. where. he. is!" each word was followed by hard stomps to the point where all bones in cristons legs broke and blood seeped from his trousers

"he didn't say!" criston yelled out before letting out a a cry due to the intense pain "he had not told anyone of his whereabouts, he just left!" sobbed the man

zaenya panted slightly turning her eyes to the ceiling and closing her eyes for a brief moment letting out a deep sigh, she flattered them open once more staring down at the man "you useless cunt!"

she snapped unsheathing her sword and swang it down cutting both the mans legs off with a swift and clean blow, criston shouted out in both pain and utter shock

zaenya breathed out ignoring the mans screams as she turned to clean his blood from her sword before sheathing it taking ahold of her cloak and slipping it on "just wasted my time" she muttered kicking the mans cut off legs across the room

not even glancing nor killing him off, zaenya blew out the candle giving the room dim light and disappeared into the mist of darkness

A/N: i would NEVER fumble zaenya, she's so fine omg😣

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