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TW: lesbians, tiny mention of stabby stabby, sad lesbians

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TW: lesbians, tiny mention of stabby stabby, sad lesbians

TW: lesbians, tiny mention of stabby stabby, sad lesbians

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Where is he

The heavy rain poured without a pause as it matched the harsh winds rattling its way through the red keep, window stalls clapping against the stone walls and the hallways dim and the place eerily still ...to still

guards no longer standing at their post allowing the horrors to slip in, horrors that found themselves in the courters of helaena targaryens courters far east from all the rooms. a normal evening had been set with helaena and her children spending their usual time together before slumper overtook them

the twins huddled together by their mothers feet babbling away with maelor laying on the floors with a book in his hold reading, helaena had busied herself endlessly with her sowing trying to simmer her thoughts down as she spaced out into nothing

peaceful yes

a soft knock made itself known as helaena quickly snapped back to reality turning her gaze to the door "who is it?" her soft voice spoke out placing down her sowing kit

"it is only i my dear" the voice of alicent replied making her presence known before she opened the door, her eyes met jaehaera first as the small girl sent a smile towards her grandmother in greeting

"oh ..is there something you need mother?" helaena perked up slightly placing her hands on her lap, violet eyes giving her mother a once over quickly taking notice of her red eyes with a light swoll to it. her mouth frowned sympathetically for the woman already knowing what others failed to notice

alicent closed the door behind her stepping deeper into the room as her hands played with her ring "...just needed some company" she said quietly

helaena stood from her chair nearing her mother "mother ..." the girl paused grasping alicents hands "the love i hold for you is dear yes—but zaenya had the right to leave, to mourn with her family"

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