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                          If you do, you will betray                          yourself at the same time

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                          If you do, you will betray
                         yourself at the same time

In the mist of the early dawns, sun beams was just to peak from the clouds and birds were to chip for all to hear and wake. slumper had taken over all the castle of the red keep as it was known—yet that very slumper hadn't found itself by zaenya

so she wandered the night away, wandered until she found herself by the unguarded room where her uncle laid sick–no, on the brick of meeting his death that seem to be waiting for the right moment to take the soul of viserys

zaenya strolled into the room and was hit with the smell of illness which made her nose scrunch up and her mouth curl down, eyes of two drifted to his resting figure covered in bandages as her long legs took her near his bed

the staggered breathes of viserys filled the stick room with his one uncovered eye shut, cracked and dry lips parted, zaenya didn't like the sight of this, of him. the tall woman analyzed the man before parting her own lips to speak "wake up"

said the woman loud enough for him to hear, and with a shook followed after viserys let out airy groans before his eye cracked open to meet the face of zaenya not even bothering to hide her disgust "..zaenya?"

that tone made zaenya nearly roll her eyes "why must things always be difficult with you" she mumbled letting the man hear allowing the confusion to slip onto her face "wha–"

"you do know they plan to take lucerys claim as lord of the tides in a court trial with your hand as acting king, a trial where it is bound for him and ser vaemond velaryon to humiliate your grandson along with your daughter you hold so dear" she started off head strong with the disgust slipping from her face as it was replaced with annoyance now "how are you praised as the king that holds peace yet chaos bounds to occur and has been occurring yet you were to naive and blind to face it head on and put your foot down as a king should, now look? a man below your status sits your throne and decides whether to give or strip the heir title from your grandson whilst openly disrespecting your heir calling this trial before all the lords and ladies of the court" zaenya ranted on followed by a scoff and a shook of her head

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