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Rage? no jealousy?

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Rage? no
jealousy? ....maybe

Strange ...

the warmth rushed emotion can make one feel a certain glint of anger, yet was it truly anger the brunette felt practically oozing from her body—no it can't be, it has to be something else that makes her feel so

but the longer she thought of it, the longer she thought of them made her nearly enraged for a reason that alicent truly needed to find answers to and she needed them fast

her eyes stared at her maid after she was told of zaenya's whereabouts since the brunette had no seen her for the entirety of the afternoon, so she had grown curious

she was to go and search for sam to ask where she was but he too went missing, that made her even more curious than she already was—so she asked her maiden to seek where she sent, to hear if any green eyes and ears had taken notice of where she went, the maiden obeyed and ventured off into the hidden shadows

anxious was alicent at first as she awaited till her maiden came back with any news as she sat near the window stall staring out at the night sky, watching as each star twinkled across the dark canvas before letting the moon take over as it illuminated its magical light onto whomever stood by

fingers tapping against the wooden table and sharp breaths taken in and exhaling out from the brunette's parted lips




her foot now went against the marble floor emphasizing her anticipation, her impatientness—urgh she hated waiting this long, why was she taking this long?

mayhaps a punishment is in order for letting the queen wait such a long time with anxiety dripping off her just for a mere answer of the tall womans whereabouts, thought alicent constantly

but it is wrong to bestow a punishment when she had not caused treason, another side of alicent thought

letting the queen wait nearly hours at the edge is treason!, the latter nearly yelled

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