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I'm glad my face is the last thing you'll see before you die

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I'm glad my face is the last thing
you'll see before
you die

The night had finally came as the sun tucked itself beneath the clouds and allowed the moon to make its finest appearance, the stars sprinkled across the night sky and slumper soon dust over all

otto hightower, a very man very determined and scheming whenever it came to something he set his mind to and would go through many lengths on taking it in his control—its always how his been and the man grew quite confident over the years when nothing stopped him from getting what he yearns so he expected nothing nor anyone would even dare to stop him


until he decided to meddle in business that doesn't concern with someone who had not a single care in the world what the consequences would be, and that very person had found themselves seated on otto hightowers stool most his planning were thought and written—feet placed onto the desk and a coin flipping withing their fingers

entering his tower, otto hadn't noticed a special guest with his confinement until he turned meeting the form of zaenya sitting in his chair comfortably

"took you long enough" said zaenya shifting her attention to the man whom seem to be frozen in his spot

that made her grin

"oh come on, didn't you miss me?" the woman stood from the chair throwing the coin before catching it "judging from the bounty you put on my head and your endless search for me, i'd assume you would be more excited to see me" mocked the woman with a faux sad look on her face "i'm hurt"

otto kept him composure calm watching closely as zaenya walked around his chambers, his eyes assessing if any weapons were on her—but found none making him left his head slightly "bold of you to come here at an hour this late when with a singular call, guards will come and detain you for trespassing" the opted on keeping his confidence not letting it filter before this ..this


zaenya hummed with a nod of her head taking a book from his shelf "did you know i killed a man with a book once?" she held the thick book to the man "difficult but effective i must say" her eyes gazed over the cover before flipping through the pages

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