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( yes we are- anyways)

Hello everyone and also my fellow Venti simps!

This will be my second fic, so I hope it's not too bad. If you haven't read the other one, you can check it out, it's a bsd x female reader if it piques your interest.

Anyways, this will be, as you've already seen in the title, a bsd x gn Venti reader.

The reader will NOT be the anemo archon. Instead, they will be an isekai'd reader with venti's powers, body shape, and um, basically, imagine yourself in venti's place. Speaking of 'they', the reader will use they/them pronouns.

I'm not a genshin player, I just simply enjoy the lore and videos abt it. It's a really nice game I have to say. And most importantly, it has various simp-worthy characters, example being Venti, Ei, Ayato, Scaramoustache, and basically almost the entire cast except children (I'm not mori).

Please forgive me if there is any grammatical error or mistake. As I'm not a native speaker, and it's one of my four languages that I speak.

•I will be glad to receive constructive criticism. Js don't be too rude or I might cry.

•You can also suggest something for the story.

•Comments might affect the story if I think it suits it.

•this fanfic may be a bit more focused on romance? Idk.

•I'm new to aesthetics so my goofy ahhcheeks might mess up.

•This fic will get random updates, unlike my previous fic because I js let my intrusive thoughts win when I thought of creating this.

•Please keep in mind that I am a student and have to study and put up with school. I barely have time, so pls do not be angry or rude if a chapter is delayed.

•Also forgive me if my dazai-kinnie ass gets sick or has an injury.

Please do tell how you think the chapters are when I post them! I honestly like to read all comments and see things from your perspective, and even your thoughts on something!

That's all! Hope you find this fic enjoyable.


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