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anygays- Heyyy bbgs (with 3k special rizz)

So uh, as you can see, it's a 3k special (btw it's not just a rando scenario but it actually happens in the fic-) and uh Qna so ig you can js submit it questions below here (do read a bit further below to know the conditions of submitting a q. Before asking)⇩


I swear if I don't get enough questions I will end myself and delete my whole internet persona because of humility- also don't comment "do it no balls". Because that will be my karma coming for me-

ALSO CONDITIONS- pls don ask abt my irl details like which country do I live in etc etc. only questions abt yn or like my preference or anything. U can also ask for a short scenario but it has to VERY short like the max would be 4-5 para.

Anygays- here's some random bullshit ig

Btw it's after you became a member of Doa.


A peaceful and nice day...

Ruined by yours truly :3

"I know the world would be a better place without me... that's why I strive to live every day😘!" You said as you walked down the streets cheerfully after annoying 70 per cent of the general population in Yokohama.

"Tada tara papam para~" Feeling a little silly today, you decided to do some silly things.

"Ooh! I have an idea!" You stopped in your tracks like a cartoon character and took out your phone.

"Assistant sama! Psh! You listening?" You quitely whispered towards the phone so as to not attract much attention.

*Ding ding*

'Yes babygirl :3'

"Parfeito!" You mimicked talking another language when you don't even know the language and if it's actually a real word.

"So uh, any suggestions?" You asked while walking to somewhere secluded where you wouldn't have to whisper.

*Ding ding*

'How about meeting one of your pookies :)'

"Nice idea! As expected of you, Assistant sama! Goodbye for now!" You said to them as you put the phone back into your pocket and then got into walking again (sigh... so much walking man).

"Darn it. So much walking..." you said after you walked no more than 400 meters. Really tiring huh?

'Hm. So who do I meet... Ranpookie? No, it's too early for me to get my search history leaked. Dazai- ABSOLUTELY NO. Fuck that sorry excuse of a detective.' Yeah, you're still salty for Fyodor's death.

'Atsushi? No... I mean- I would but again, that bandage squandering machine is gonna be near him-'

*cutely bumps into someone because ur fucking blind*

*Ding ding*

'That is someone blind.'

*oh. Pardon. *Cutely bumps into someone bcuz they're blind*

*Ding ding*

'That's better.'

*quick question, is it Jouno since he's blind? Surely-*

*Ding ding*

'Lmao keep hoping :)'

*... f u man :(*

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