✿ 𝘾𝙝𝙖𝙥𝙩𝙚𝙧 8

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Real escepically when I normally lie like a genius and gaslight people-

Warning: you, Fyofyo bbg, ur mom, social anxiety problems mentioned, Nikolai silly silly, Sigma the 3 year ol, no Assistant sama :(, ur hobbies, hot Fyofyo bbg, eye contact 😱⁉️⁉️, your immense rizz energy, not enough warnings just why.

I'm currently in a good mood so here's ur treat yall😤



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"You look quite nice, Dostoyevsky." You complimented ur bbg with a charming smile, your face practically shining and glittering comically as those words left your mouth.

"Thank you. I must say, your taste in fashion is also quite lovely." Fyodor complimented back with an even more charming smile, and even if he hadn't, you would have folded anyway. Speaking of folded...

'Ajgsfgfskdrasfgshadf I do hope I ain't blushing cuz damn-' On the outer side, you looked all smiley but really, you were simping hard inside.

'Speaking of which, I'm relieved as hell to hear that I didn't refer to him as something that would make him feel unpleasant... honestly, I thought of using Fyodor- or Dostoyevsky with an honourific- but whatever, I'm more accustomed to just Dostoevsky anygay.' You nodded and gave a pumped fist to the sky internally to yourself in pride of accomplishing even the smallest of things, but appreciating yourself always feels nice.

You honesty love being positive, negative is just too emo for you. Slaying is your forte afterall💅✨

But ahem ahem, enough about that- let's handle the matter at hand.

You eyed Fyodor and found yourself observing him while also paying some attention and awareness to your surroundings, a habit of yours to always sit back and observe before making a move.

But oops! Looks like it'll be hard to do that without Fyodor gazing back at you. Unlike you who would get embarrassed when caught looking, Fyodor seemed to have no shame as he continued to intently observe you, not even bothering to try hiding it.

And by each passing second, you thought that you were going to lose the staring competition as you were not only usually embarrassed, but it was Fyodor who was staring back. Anddddd, you're pretty easy to fluster even though you'd always try hiding it by flirting back.

And just when it was too much for you to bear and you had starting even lightly sweating, a finger poked you on your left cheek, the opposite direction of Fyodor, making you slightly jolt as you had started paying less attention because all of it was drawn towards your one and only.

You swiftly look sideways to see it was Nikolai, a cheeky smile on his face as present as always. And um- well, his face was quite close actually- but you didn't make the mistake of jolting back again and moving further, since it would just make you seem vulnerable to attacks like that.

╰┈➤ ❝ 𝐒𝐤𝐲𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐝 𝐒𝐨𝐧𝐧𝐞𝐭 ❞ 𝘽𝙨𝙙 𝙭 𝙂𝙉¡𝙑𝙚𝙣𝙩𝙞¡𝙍𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙚𝙧.Where stories live. Discover now