6.Small Wins

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The next day I woke up feeling refreshed after having some much needed bonding time with mum. It was lovely to hang out with her and catch up on what's been happening while I’ve been gone. The highlight of our day was cooking supper together and watching a movie afterwards.

I had missed that.

April: Please come and save me from Mum        She won't stop nagging. 

She even threatened to come over to your house if I don't convince you."

I read the text and slipped my phone in the pocket of my gown and continued downstairs.  Mum was humming a tune as she made breakfast.

"Hey honey! Sit down. I have made your favorite.”

"Thanks mum, but you didn't have to," I said, taking a bite of the bacon on my plate.

"Nonsense, and miss the chance to feed my favorite daughter?”

I don't know the last time I saw my mother this carefree.  The happiness radiating from her face gave her a youthful appearance and I liked it. 

"You mean your only daughter?" 

Breakfast was filled with laughter as I told mum about Sophia and her antics. My mum couldn't help but wonder where I met such friends. "Speaking of friends, I should get ready. I'm going over to April's house," I told mum, taking a sip of my coffee..

"Are you sure that's a good idea?" She asked with a frown.

"April assured me that Alex won't be home, and I can't keep avoiding my friend because of him." I kissed her cheek and headed upstairs to get ready.

An hour later I drove to the Reign’s mansion. Music played blared through the speakers and filled the car as I sang along, off key. 

The long gates parted and I drove the long driveway toward the house. The feeling like I was intruding by being here came over me for the first time in years. The only car parked in the driveway was April's. That's a good sign, right?

Parking the car, I took a long look at the massive home in front of me. Over the years it had become my second home. But who was I kidding, I stood out like a sore thumb -, a clear indication that I never belonged here. 

Even some of Alex's relatives voiced their concerns on why he was with a poor girl like me, but he always defended me. I guess he got tired of it.

“You’ve always gone for blondes, cuz, but I see why you chose this one. She’s a beauty.” One of his cousins had said when he learned we were dating.

My phone vibrated with a message from April.

April: Come in already! 

Walking to the front door, I took a deep breath and knocked, hoping I wouldn't run into a certain someone for the duration of my visit. The door opened revealing April and her younger brother Wilson, fighting over who got to hug me first. Kids! 

"I missed you, why did you leave me with these terrible people?" -Wilson launched himself forward, giving me a tight hug.

"Too tight…can’t breathe." I exaggerated. I couldn’t believe I actually missed this prankster.

"Wilson, give her some space, " April practically pulled her brother off of me.

He pouted and scowled at his sister. "Jealous.” 

If there was one thing I knew about these two, it was that they could go on for hours. I walked away from them and went to the kitchen to the only sane person in this bloody mansion.

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