29. Grace's Birthday

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I looked at my reflection in the mirror as I got ready for mum's lunch party. There along my collarbone was a red hickey, mocking me for letting me body do the decisions last night instead of my head. Not that I regret it or anything, but I was hoping to talk to him first and be sure we were on the same wavelength.

These past week were not easy on me, I missed Jake terribly and a part of me knew that I acted irrationally with quitting the way I did. Don't get me wrong, I did think of resigning from the time the second trimester started, but I wanted to do it amicably. 

The pay and tips were good, more than I earned at Ellen's restaurant, but the work load together with school work was getting too much and as much as Beth was lenient on me, I couldn't help worrying on what it did to my reputation at the restaurant. Though Beth was the one in charge of the rosters, everyone knew that Jake was doing me favours.

Happy that make-up had covered the hickey, I curled my hair once more until I was glad with how it looked. It was warm today and weather forecast indicated that it would rain later in the evening, so I optioned for a floral long dress and loafers. We weren't doing anything fancy so this would do.

I sprayed some perfume and went out to join April and Soph in the small backyard where we were going to have lunch. Not many people were invited, only the girls and I, April's parents, two of mum's coworkers and their partners, Mr Giggles and our neighbour. Cooking for twelve while hangover was the pits, but Soph and April helped.

"I was about to send a search party, guests have started arriving,"

"I missed you! Did I tell you I missed you last night? Speaking of last night, where did Alex go?" 

After running from Jake last night, we went downstairs to buy takeaways and Alex drove us home. Things weren't so weird between us, we shared a few laughs and I won't lie it was nice chilling with him without so much animosity between us. 

With a smile April answered, "Yes you told me, and I missed you too. We have lots to talk about. As for my dearest brother, he went home after dropping us off"

I analyzed April, there was something different about her since she arrived last night. I couldn't put my finger on it, but now that she told me that we have to talk, I knew it must be serious. "It sounds serious, we can talk now.."

"Geez! What's with the look? Don't worry, I'm not dying. In fact it will make you happy and the other news, not so much"

"Now I'm curious!" I said loudly.

"Curious about what?" Asked Soph looking beautiful in her green wrap around dress.

We interrupted by April's parents' arrival and couldn't reply, now the only one missing was the birthday mama. Mum knew nothing about this late lunch party, I asked Mr Giggles to keep her busy when she knocked off from work last night and to bring her home later today.

Mr. Giggles: Five minutes away.

The girls and I guided everyone to the backyard when we heard the car in the driveway. The backyard was beautifully decorated in flowers and light fixtures by April, the long table decorated by a white and gold table cloth, flowers and had twelve white chairs surrounding it.

"Why’s the door leading to the backyard opened? That place needs some cleaning." Said Mum.

"Maybe Amara's home, let's go see.." 

Everyone was smiling, while April looked at me and laughed softly so she doesn't give us away. I rolled my eyes at her and awaited mum's arrival, but didn't have to wait for long as she graced us with her presence.

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