24. First Date

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For the entire week I’ve had my head in the clouds. I couldn't even keep a straight face for twenty minutes without my face breaking into a giddy smile. All of this was turning me into a girly girl, blushing, giggling and swooning. 

Damn you, Jacob Adams! 

After his parents' anniversary, we came to our apartment after dropping Cam at his place and talked over a cup of coffee in bed. We shared our childhood our some goals and aspiration till the early morning hours, and passed out.

Our last conversation replayed in my mind:

“When you asked to be friends with benefits, I took that as rejection of my love and I decided it was best to distance myself from you.”

“Is that why you resigned?”

“Yes, and with Summer approaching I might be too busy at the restaurants to focus on the culinary.”

“I understand…”

I had only slept for about 4 hours when I was woken up by the smell of bacon and kisses the next day. Jake made sure that I was full then kissed me goodbye before telling me to go back to sleep. Just as I was about to doss off again, Soph came in screeching after she saw Jake sneaking.

"So? How was it?" 

"How was what?" I asked.

"How was the deed? Is he big? And more importantly did he make you reach the stars?" 

I chuckled and shook my finger at her. “You’re starting to sound more and more like April.” Sophie's questions were endless, but thankfully she gave up when she saw that I was adamant about keeping all the details to myself. “Well, she’s the one who wants to know,”

“Have you two been discussing me again?” I wasn't sure if I was annoyed by this or not, waiting for her to respond.

“Not really, she saw the pictures we posted on your Whatsapp, and also knows that he drove us home.”

"Dear Sophie, I never kiss and tell. But tell your friend nothing happened, all we did was talk all night." I said dreamily,  thinking about how easy it was to talk to him.

Being at school kept my mind busy, I couldn’t even dwell on Jake’s absence, but it was all everyone in our class group talked about after one of the instructors mentioned he wasn’t coming back this term.

Jake had a way of explaining the arts and it was in this very lesson that I wished he were he.

We couldn’t catch a break this term, when we weren't getting our fingers burned in the kitchen, a handful of us also had business management classes. To make matters worse, Emily the stalker was my business management lecturer.

Until now, we only received some material the lecturer wanted us to go through before our first class, so imagine how surprised I was to see her walk in. My only hope was that she was going to act like a professional and stop with her stalking ways.

Taking my phone out, I texted Sophie.

                                                                                            Me: You won't believe who's
                            lecturer in BM class😩

Sophie was not taking this module because she has a degree in business. A few other  classmates weren't taking this class because they already had business diplomas. I wasn’t sure if my scholarship would cover it since it wasn’t a compulsory module, but April assured me it would.

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