20. Davina

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The last person I expected to see here was standing at my door. I couldn't even fathom why he thought it was okay to ambush me. I stared at him and the exact shade of green eyes looked back at me. 

"May I come in?" His deep voice cut through the silence.

"No. I suggest you turn back, take the elevator down and get in your car. Keep driving till you reach wherever you were hiding for the last decade." I said so calmly I was actually surprised with myself.

You know how you  practice  every word you would say to someone who hurt you? All those words and anger in your head go out the window once presented with the chance. There were so many things I had planned to tell this man the next time I saw him, during each scenario I had comecome up with I ended up wailing. 

As I attempted to close the door, his foot blocked it and he leaned in. "I came here hoping you had calmed down, but you are still acting like you used to when you didn't get what you wanted." 

How dare hehe! Acting like he knows me, when he knows zilch!!

"Ara, who's at the door?" Asked Soph from inside.

Looking behind me, she stood a few feet from me, worry written all over me as soon as she looked at our uninvited guest. "It's no one. I will be there in a moment." I assured her.

WeWe shared a look before she went back to the kitchen. Seeing as Theodore Scott wasn't intending to leave, I might as well entertain him. His parents sure picked the name, Theo was said to mean "gift of God" or "God given" and this man standing in front of me took it far and probably thought they meant "God's gift to women””.

Shaking my head from thoughts I asked with a forced smile, "Seeing as you don't want to leave my place, how may I be of help to you?" 

Clearing his throat, he looked at the floor before meeting my narrowed eyes. "Can we sit down?”

"No, only invited guests and I don't remember inviting you, Theodore." 

"Where are your manners, Amara? Didn't your mother teach you better than to address elders by their names? I am your father and you will respect me!" He barked, getting worked up.

Tired of being calm with him I flipped. "Don't you dare question my mama? She was too busy playing mother and father, working herself to the bone after you ran away." 

He opened his mouth to retort, but I wasn't having it. Not today! Shaking my finger at him I continued. "You are the last person to demand respect from me, so don't make me laugh saying you are my father. I don't have a father." I said, disgust written all over my face.

Who did he think he was, dumping us when it suited him and now he comes back barking orders and demands! He was a nobody to me, just as I was to him all these years. 

"Davina, I know I messed up-"

"No, no, no! You don't get to do that, you lost the right to call me that years ago. I'm not that little girl anymore!!" I yelled, my eyes welling up with unshed tears.

The only reason I didn't hate the nickname Ammie was because it was my mother who loved using it. My father optioned for my second name, a name I hadn't used since he left. Davina..

"Nothing you will say will erase the wounds you left me with. You didn't just leave mum that day, you left me, dad." I said, aware that my tears spilled over."You left and replaced us with your new family. Do you know how I found out about them?" I asked, wiping the tears.

"Your mum must have told you?" He asked, clearly not aware of how I found out.

Leaning against the door, still not willing to allow him any farther into my space, I took a deep breath. Not even my mum knew what I did. "For my sixteenth birthday, Wade asked me what I wanted and I told him to find you."

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