14. Calm

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You know what they say about the calm before the storm? Well, the days following our girls movie night were almost too perfect, there was no drama in any of our lives. 

The girls went out of their minds after I told them about Jake, even though I made it clear that I didn't have any feelings for the man and had no intentions of pursuing him. We were too different and it wouldn't make sense being with someone like him. He was older than me, mature, our social status were polar opposites, but the most blaring reason was the fact that he was a mentor of sorts. 

Friday morning classes were more laid back than the rest of the week, working in my favor since I had a shift at the restaurant later in the evening and needed to look fresh and energetic. 

The current instructor was rambling about which flavors we could incorporate when preparing Thai food. His low voice was putting me and most of my classmates to sleep.

"You know, one day this poor man will kick you out of his class for dozing off." Soph said quietly.

"It's not my fault his voice is giving off lullaby vibes." 

Usually, I spent most of this particular class time napping, not paying attention and Sophia would alert me if I was in danger of being discovered.. 

Today was different and it wasn't just the Chef instructor’s voice that put me under, it was from lack of sleep. I went to bed after midnight, studying and trying to perfect some of the dishes that had been giving me trouble.

In the early morning hours, I was awoken by sensual dreams about a certain brown eyed Chef, leaving me  sweating and seconds away from making a mess of my sheets. The man couldn't even let me sleep in peace, it was starting to seem like he was affecting all aspects of my life.

I got hot just thinking about the things he was doing in my dream. But I dreaded seeing him today. How am I supposed to sit with a straight face in his class for an hour? More importantly, why couldn’t I stop thinking about him? Maybe it’s just an itch that needs to be scratched?

Yeah, I just need to get laid.

It was unusual for me to dream about a man, not even Alex gave me such dreams.  The emotions Jake awakened in me were foreign. He was under my skin like no other, and that didn't bother me except now he was messing with my peace of mind  and my beauty sleep.

My hands started sweating and my stomach tensed as we walked into Chef Jake’s class. I must have been coming down with a flu, otherwise why am I sweating?

"Come in, come in. We have a lot to go through today,” He said as we filed in with the other students.

Sitting down in our usual seats, he got started on today's lesson right away. We didn't have practicals today which I was grateful for with the long night ahead of me and my attention span was nowhere where it should be. Even now, all I could do was stare , Jake looked so handsome and sexy when he was in his element.

Someone made a joke and the class erupted in laughter, including Chef Jake. Laughing enhanced his handsome face. His eyes sparkled in a deep chocolate color and it was then I noticed a small dimple in his left cheek.

I’m not sure how long I was  ogling him, when I was brought out of my day dreaming with Sophie poking my ribs with her finger. Casting an evil eye at her for interrupting, I barely noticed how quiet the class was or the irritated look on Jake's gorgeous face.

"Did I miss something?" I asked no one in particular, and Sophia giggled.

"That's what we are wondering, you have been sitting there spacing off and smiling, anything you want to share with us, Miss Scott?" He asked in a low deep voice.

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