chapter 1

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Today I got to go to school but since I'm not old enough to drive a car and i refuse to ride the bus I'm waiting for my best friend to come pick me up.
-In the car-
Me: hi to all of my bestfranns
Livy: lol u r so ghetto
Ajanae:  lol that's true
Dialia: true *she said it like 2 chains*
Me: Chres u better get yo sister
Chres: what she do
Me: she called me ghetto
Chres: u r
Livy: i told u
Chres: but i kind of like it
Me: lol
Livy: *making gagging noises*
Me: y. Y r u making them noises
Livy: i was thinking
Me: of what
Livy: some weird
Me: tell me
Livy: no it's to weird
Me: w/e
-Livy thoughts-
I was think about treahna and chresanto going out that will be weird because she me best friend and he my brother.
-Chresanto p.o.v-
Rite now I'm in the car with my sister, my best friend, and the rest of my sister's friend since they r all to young to drive
Livy: brother can u buy us some food
Me: just eat at school
Livy: the school food is nasty plus u always bring your own food
Me: that's because i buy my food with my own money
Livy: plzzz
Me: fine what do want
Livy: McDonald's
Me: all that for McDonald's
Livy: yeah
Treahna: well I'm not hungry
Me: u sure
Treahna: yeah
Me: want me to buy u lunch later
Treahna: sure
Treahna: *gets text*
Treahna: Livy my brother (Princeton) said hi
Livy: tell i said hi no wassup no hi no what should i say
Treahna: just hi
Me: how bout nothing
Livy: y
Me: because u r 2 young for boys
Livy: u r only two years older than me

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