chapter 31

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(Prince p. o. v)
Ray: well I was thinking we should do something for the girls to show them how much we appreciate them
Roc: yeah that would be nice
Me: but what will we do
Roc: we can take them to the carnival that's coming
Ray: yeah then to the mall and the movies to
Me: then out to eat. But when r we going to do all of this
Ray: how bout tomorrow
Prince: Ok. Well its getting late *it is 10:30* let me go get treahna and I see y'all later
I went up stairs to go wake up treahna but she wouldn't so I carried her down the steps and took her to the car. When we pulled up I seen our lights on so our parents must be back from their business trip
I grabbed Treahna from the car and unlocked the door I took Treahna to her room once I laid her down I went to go look for my parents but I couldn't find them so I looked in they garage to see if I seen their car but it wasn't there but then I notice a piece of paper on the table address to me and it said:
Dear prince,
You are going to be mines even if I have to hurt the people u love the most in life. So either take me back or say goodbye to your love ones.
Your one and only
P.s your house Is beautiful its just going to be me and u in that house one day
( baby doll p. o. v)
I know yall must think I'm insane but I am really in love with him. I want him to be mines for ever

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