chapter 10

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(Livy p.o.v)
Rite now I'm in this third hour with prince annoying the stuff out of me and i really wished he stopped.
Prince: olivyah
Me: Jacob
Prince: what's wrong
Me: nothing
Prince: yes it is
Me: how
Prince: u called me jacob instead of Prince. U only do that when your mad
Me: hmm
Prince: so plz tell me what i did
Me: u left me for a group if girl u didn't even know
Prince: they were a group of fans
Me: idc if they were lost friends u still left me there
Prince: ok I'm sorry if i could go back in the past i would so do u accept my apology
Me: fine
Prince: see we would make a great couple
Omg he just said we would make a great couple. I am going to faint.
Rite now Prince is taking me to out for lunch
Prince: where u want to go
Me: me cheddars
Prince: ok
When we got there i got there i got buffalo chicken strips and Prince got a burger and fries
Prince: so Livy what r u doing this weekend
Me: nun hanging with the fam. Y?
Prince: oh me Treahna was going to this big party this weekend
Me: oh fr i wonder y roc didn't tell me that
Prince: oh i thought he did plus ain't yall mad at each other
Me: oh yeah i forgot we was mad at each other
Prince: oh well this is the longest u and roc been not talking
Me: your rite he been spending alot of time with Treahna i wonder y
Prince: yeah me too
(Prince p.o.v)
Sometimes it takes livy some time to think about what is really going on but u got to love her

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