chapter 21

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(Treahna p.o.v)
Just then.........
I get a called from diggy
Diggy: wassup ma
Me: The sky
Diggy: u got jokes don't u
Me: yep I got jokes for days
Diggy: mmmmm question
Me: yeah wassup
Diggy: can I come over
Me: I don't know if that is a good ideal
Diggy: why not
Me: well my brother is kinda over protective
Diggy: I don't care I just want to see u
Me: well okay
Diggy: k I will be over there in 10
Me: k
-off the phone-
Livy: who was that
Me: diggy
Livy: oh he coming over
Me: yeah
Livy: what u think prince is going to say ??
Me: I don't know but I know he won't like it
Just then the doorbell ring
Me: I get it
Prince: no I got it
Me: wait prince
Prince: *opens the door* what the
Me: I told u not to open the door
Diggy: um hey treahna
Me: hey
Prince:*shuts the door*
Me: y r u being rude chres come get your friend *opens the door*
Chres: what he do *see diggy and close the door*
Me: what is wrong with y'all *open the door once again* come on diggy follow me
Diggy: k *grins at prince and roc*
(Prince p.o.v)
Me: I can't believe treahna just let him in my house
Roc: technology it's not your house it's y'all parents house
Me: u know what I meant.
Roc: u know what he trying to do rite
Me: no
Roc: remember when we was on tour and
Me: yeah I remember now but y my sister
Roc: he must know I like her
Me: yeah But y me sister y not yours
Roc: well dang
Me: well sorry it's just u know its my sister and I love her to death
Roc: yeah

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