chapter 30

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(Prince p. o. v)
After Spongebob ended me and roc put in a scary movie. AlL while watching it livy would but her head so I grabbed her and whisper in her ear:
Me: don't worry I got u
When I said that I notice she sat up a little.
(Roc p. o. v)
Well we was watching the movie I notice treahna get up and walk to the kitchen so I followed her
Me: what's wrong
Tre: I hate scary movie I told y'all that but y'all steady put one in
Me: u scared aren't u
Tre: no it just um fine I'm scared so what
Me: bae don't worry I got u Ok
Tre: Ok
Me: so come on
Tre: Ok
When we walked out livy was sleep on Princeton's chest. me and treahna cuddle up but ended up falling asleep too.
*2 hours later*
We woke up to a loud banging sound.
Tre: who is that
Me: I don't know I go check
Tre: Ok
When I opened the door all I seen was ray
Me: dude y r u banging on my door like that
Ray: y'all didn't answer my first knock so I thought y'all was sleep
Me: so that meant go away
Ray: not in my book
Me: what does it say in your book
Ray: to knock even louder
Me: w/e what u want
Ray: can I come in first
Me: yeah my bad
Ray: it's alright
So when I walked in they all went back to sleep so I took livy to her room the i took treahna in mines so they can still sleep. Then I walked down stairs to wake prince up cause ray wanted to talk to us.
Me: so ray what u wanted to talk to us about
Prince: it better be important cause I got awoken out my sleep
Ray: well I was thinking we should.............

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