chapter 16

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* A knock on the door*
Me: who is it
??: roc
Me: ugh just a minute
*Opens the door*
Roc: hey
Me: hey
Roc: can we talk
Me: about
Roc: about what happened last nite
Me: roc to be fr i really don't care
Roc: so your not mad
Me: i was but now I'm not now can u excuse me i got to get ready to go
Roc: go where
Me: out
Roc: by yourself
Me: no
Roc: oh with who
Me: Diggy
(Roc p.o.v)
When she said that my heart broke.
Me: y
Tre: u r asking alot of questions*gets text* oh bye
Me: bye
After she left i walked to Prince room
Me: *knocks on his door*
Prince: come in
Me: *walks in*
Prince: wassup man
Me: nun
Prince: that party was crazy
Me: true
Prince: man i got drunk and Treahna and some girl almost fought
Me: hmm
Prince: so um what brings u by here
Me: i came to apologize to Treahna
Prince: apologize for what
Me: well last nite i guess i was drunk and i was kissing some girl
Prince: so where she at now
Me: she just left with diggy
Prince: man u must have messed up big time
Me: i know
(Livy p.o.v)
After roc left i was bored so i got on instagram until i got a phone call i didn't know who it was but i stilled answer
Me: hello who is this
Me: oh hi
Trevor : hey um i was wondering if u will like to chill with my and my friend Diggy and his friend
Me: sure wait time r u coming to get my
Trevor: I'll be there around 30 - 40 minutes
Me: ok let me get ready
Trevor: ok bye
Ne: bye

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