chapter 7

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(Prince p.o.v)
So today Treahna, chres, livy, and i r going to the mall and to just chill.
Me: Treahna u ready
Treahna: yeah
Me: ok let's go
~At the mall~
(Roc p.o.v)
So we at the mall and prince and Livy keep trying to sneak off. I know livy would not do anything but Prince even tho he my friend i don't trust him with my sister. I wonder if he feel the same way about me when I'm with his sister.
Treahna: roc r u ok
Me: yeah can i ask u sum
Treahna: yeah what
Me: y r u the only one who calls me roc still
Treahna: because
Me: because i want to
Livy: oh she told u
Me: man i forgot yall was here
Prince: well u wont let us go anywhere without u
Treahna: y is that
Me: idk. I guess yall can leave
Livy: yay met us in the front in a hour
Me: ok
Now it's just me and Treahna we r walking around talking and having fun. Then this one girl that i don't even know ask me for my number i mean she wasn't  ugly so i gave it to her. After i gave her my number Treahna was mad i didn't even now y.
Me: Treahna y u stop talking
Me: Treahna
Treahna:* still silent*
Me: Treahna what did i do
When i said that she walked away (Treahna p.o.v)
I can't believe him. I thought he liked me but w/e. The reason y i walked away was because he didn't even knew what he did.
Rite now I'm trying to find my brother and Livy but when i found him he wasn't even with Livy he was with a group of girls
Me: Prince can we go
Girl #1: who is she and y is she here
Me: um first u can drop the attitude second I'm his sister
Girl #2: u can't talk to her that way
Me: i think i just did
Girl #3: u must wanna fight because u keep running your big mouth
Me: u know what Prince lets go now
Prince: hold on
Me: no I'm ready to go now
Prince: fine nice meeting yall. Lets go Treahna
(Prince p.o.v)
Once we got in the car Treahna put her headphones on and the only time she does that is when she is annoyed
Me: Treahna what's wrong
Treahna: *silent*
Me: Treahna I'm talking to u
Treahna: *yelling* idgaf leave me alone

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