chapter 15

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(Treahna p.o.v)
When i got home i took Prince straight to his room. He kept singing and dancing and it us really getting irra
Prince: y r u yelling
Me: u being irra
When i said that Prince went straight to bed then i went in my room and texted livy.
(Livy p.o.v)
When my and chres got home Chres went straight to bed i guess he must of been sleepy. Then i got a text from Treahna
Tre: Prince is so irra
Me: lol what did he do
Tre: he was singing and dancing but final went to sleep
Me: oh roc went straight to his room
Tre: man i wish Prince was that easy
Me: lol
Tre: well i see yall tomorrow
Me: bye
Tre: bye
*The next day*
(Roc p.o.v)
When i woke up i had a major head ache and still had on my clothes from yesterday on and i could not remember nothing from last night so i told livy to come here
Me: livy come here
Livy: huh
Me: what happened last night
Livy: you got drunk
Me: wait what did i do anything stupid
Livy: yeah
Me: what
Livy: u was kissing on some random girl
Man Treahna must hate me now.
Me: did Treahna see
Livy: yeah looked mad
Me: um ok
After she said that i called Treahna immediately but she didnt answer so I'm going to her house.
(Prince p.o.v)
I have a huge head ache and all i remember from last night was Treahna and some gurl was about to fight.
Me: Treahna.
Tre: what
Me: what happened last nite
Tre: u got drunk
Me: oh that's all
Tre: well i almost go in a fight
Me: y
Tre: that gurl was doing to much
*A knock at the door*

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