chapter 4

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(Treahna p.o.v)
As soon as roc dropped me off he told he was going to pick me up later so we can chill later on just me and him. When he said that rushed in the house took my uniform off, took a shower and got dressed.
Prince: y u get dressed
Me: because i have a life unlike some people
Prince: well no need to be rude
Me: sorry brother
Prince: it's ok
Me: yay
Prince: for now
Me: aw man
Prince: lol but fr where u going
Me: to chill
Prince: to chill with who exactly
Me: y do u have to know
Prince: because I'm the oldest sibling
Me: w/e I'm going to go chill with roc
Prince: roc as in roc royal my best-friend
Me: naw the roc as in the wrestler
Prince: u got one more time
(Mm=my mother)
Mm: Prince leave her alone
Prince: snitch
Me: ik I'm a big one
Prince: w/e
*At roc's house*
( roc p.o.v)
I was helping my mom set the table then the doorbell rang. I ran to go get it because ik it was Treahna and i didn't want anybody to embarrass me.
Treahna: hi
Me:hey. I brb
Treahna: ok
I ran in the house and told my mom i be back later. Then i ran back outside
Me: ready to go
Treahna: sure
Me: ok let's go
Me and Treahna went to the movies. Then we went to the mall at the mall we had got a couple of matching outfits then we went to foot locker and i bought her the shoes she wanted
-In the car-
Treahna: u know u didn't have to buy me them shoes rite
Me: yeah ik it's just that i wanted to

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