chapter 3

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(Princeton p.o.v)
I really like Treahna friend olivyah but I'm just scared that if i go out with her Treahna will feel some type of way. I guess i will just have to ask her to find out. After third hour me and livy walked to lunch together to met up with the others.
Me: olivyah can i ask u sum
Livy: yeah what
Me: do u like me
Livy: maybe why
Me: no reason
*with Chres and Treahna*
(Chres p.o.v)
Me and Treahna r walking to lunch to met up with prince and my sister
Me: Treahna
Treahna: yay
Me: y did u tell prince to kiss my sister.
Treahna: because
Me: because what
Treahna: it was a dare plus it was funny
Me: would u think prince will think it funny if i kissed u
Treahna: idk
Then i kissed her. I finally kissed her. I been wanting to do that for like forever.
Me: now what do u think
Me: speechless
Treahna:*shakes head yes*
Me: it's ok
Treahna: we can't tell my brother
Me:y what he going to do
Treahna:u must ain't never seen his bad side
Me: jacob your brother has a bad side
Treahna: yes
Me: i don't believe u
Treahna: fine if u tell him don't say i didn't warn you
Me: lol ok
*At lunch*
(Treahna p.o.v)
At lunch it was pretty awkward like everybody was keeping secrets from each other but then olivyah opened her mouth
Livy: how was everyone's day
Princeton: fantastic
Roc: amazing
Me: it was ok
Roc: just ok
Me: yeah
Roc: can i make it up to u later
Me: maybe
Prince: what the what r u guys talking about
Roc: oh i was just going to take her shopping or sum because she had just an ok day
Prince: that better be what yall talking about

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