chapter 23

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(Treahna p. o. v.)
Diggy: so lets talk
Me: about what
Diggy: me and u
Me: what about us
Diggy: y ain't we together
Me: well .......
Then diggy kissed me
Me: diggy we can't do this I need u to go
Diggy: can u a least think about plzz
Me: um sure just give me time
And when I said I shut the door on him
So I saw when I kissed her she got nerves like she already goes out with someone I wonder if she does but after she shut the door I walked down the stairs and over heard them making a plan to get me I out the house
Me: that plan suck and I'm gone peace
(Prince p. o. v.)
I thought we actually had a good plan I'm just glad he is gone tho
Roc: I'm about to go upstairs and check up on her OK
Me: yeah OK
Livy: I'm coming with u
Roc: no stay down here with prince
Livy: y
Me: u don't want to stay down here with me
Livy: oh I forgot u do like her and yes prince I do want to stay with u
(Roc p. o. v.)
So I went upstairs to see if Treahna is okay but all I could here where cries so I knocked on her door
Tre: go away
Me: me no tell me whats wrong
Tre: plzz just go away
Me: I am not leaving until u tell me
Tre: well I am not unlocking the door so go away
When she said that I broke until her room
Tre: roc get out
Me: no come here y u crying
Tre: I just have a lot on my chest OK
Me: u sure he didn't hurt u did he
Tre: no roc I just had a lot on my chest

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