chapter 25

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(Treahna p. o. v)
Then I got a text from roc saying to meet him and the rest of the gang at ocean's of fun .
Me: well i guess got invited to ocean's of yall want to come with me yess or no
Them: yay we want to go
Me: lol come on
Travon drove us there since me nor jaymesha has a driver license and he old enough to drive. When got there we got to where everyone else was and we was having fun but then all my fun got ruined when roc came to me and asked me y I was crying that day
Me: Chresanto plzz lets not do this rite now I'm trying  to relax
Roc: sorry. R u mad now
Me: y would I be mad
Roc: well u called me Chresanto instead of roc
Me: it is a free country so I can call u w.e I want
Roc: oh can u (he said well walking closer to me)
When he got close enough he grabbed my floaty or tube w.e y'all want to call it and he bend down like was about to kiss me but instead he grabbed me and through me in the water
Me: oh I cant stand u
Roc: but u love me
Me: who over told u that must been lying to u
Roc: oh really
Then again he was walking up to me but this time I was backing up until I hit the wall then there was no way out he backed up on to me and kissed me.
(Livy p. o. v)
All y I was in the pool prince kept messing with me I was trying to talk to Ajanae and Dialia
Me: stop Jacob
Prince: bae don't be mad
Me: I'm not mad
Prince: yes u r u called me Jacob and u only do that when your mad at
Me: sorry prince ( kisses his cheek)
Prince: what was that
Me: a kiss
Prince: no that wasn't
Me: then what is
Prince: (kisses her on the lips for along time)
Ajanae: they r so cute
Prince&livy: ( still kissing)

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