chapter 13

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(Treahna p.o.v)
During the party it felt like someone was starring at me so i when to go find Prince or roc but as i was walking someone grabbed me
??: sorry but my name is diggy yours
Me: I'll tell u once you let me go
Diggy: fine *lets me go* ok so what's your name
Me: Treahna
Diggy: pretty. So y is someone so pretty as u at this party by themselves
Me: i came here with my brother and my 2 best friends but i lost them
Diggy: oh. Want me to grab u sum to drink
Me: naw I'm good. I don't drink
Diggy: come on ma it's good
Me: i think past for today
Diggy: fine. So what u want to talk about
Me: this house
Diggy: lol yeah
Me: i mean it's huge. Do anyone lives here but u
Diggy: not yet I'm just waiting for the rite one
Me: oh well ig I'll be going now
Diggy: wait can i get your number
Me: sure
After i gave him my number i went to go find my brother, livy, and roc
(Livy p.o.v)
While me and Treahna was walking. I lost her and now i feel unsafe. While i was looking for either my brother prince or Treahna i ran into somebody
Me: oh sorry
??: it's ok but i'm Trevor yours
Me: um I'm olivyah but everyone calls me livy
Trevor: oh cool so who did u come with
Me: my brother and my best friends
Trevor: who is your brother
Me: roc royal from mindless behavior
Trevor : oh coo
Me: i guess i see u around
Trevor: um wait can i get your number
Me: sure
After i gave him my number i went to go find them as i was looking i ran into Treahna i asked her have she seen prince she said yeah but i probably didn't want to see him
Me: y
Treahna: just don't
After she said just don't i know it was bad but since I'm hard headed i went to go find him but i wish i didn't

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