chapter 24

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(Treahna p. o. v)
After I stop crying I got up and decided to met up with my cousins Jaymesha and travon so I told I be gone and come back later
Prince: where u going
Me: out
Prince: where and with
Me: out with Jaymesha and travon
Prince: oh OK have fun
Me: well do mom
Prince: lol bye
Me: bye
(Roc p. o. v)
Me: hey Livy
Livy: yeah
Me: so before u left out treahna room that day what was diggy and Treahna talking about
Livy: um I think it was about y he came over
Roc: oh so how u get kicked out
Livy: cause he said he missed treahna then I had said how sweet and then they asked me to get out.
Roc: oh so um what u want to do today
Livy: go swimming
Roc: OK so let's get ready
(My thoughts)
Yep I do sweet things for my sister cause I love her to death even tho she can be irra but I'm also going to invite prince and treahna hopefully if she comes she can tell me y she was crying that day
(End of thoughts)
(Treahna p. o. v)
So I met up with my cousins at some restaurant (sorry I couldn't think of one). When I got there they was arguing like always but then they started to stand like they was about to fight so I rushed over there to stop them for fighting.
Me: hey guys
Them: hey (they said while sitting back down)
Me: So did y'all miss y'all favorite cousins
Jay: not really
Travon: of course Jaymesha didn't she just rude but I did.
Me: oh and forget u too Jaymesha
Jay: lol I was just playing
Travon: no she wasn't
Jay: yes I was so shut up and mine yo business
(My thoughts)
Ugh here we go again

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