chapter 5

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(Prince p.o.v)
I know that Treahna really likes roc but it's going to be weird if they start going out i wonder if they will feel the same way if me and Livy went out. But speaking of Livy i was about to go pick her up so we could hang. After i picked her up i took her favorite store Claire's. She got a whole bunch of girly items like earings and stuff. When she was done shopping i bought all her stuff she really didn't want me to but i did.
(Livy p.o.v)
I really did not want Prince to buy that stuff for me but he really wanted to so i let him.
(Treahna p.o.v)
When i got home Prince was gone but i really need to talk to him about something important. A few minutes later Prince came in smiling and stuff
Me: y u smiling
Prince: a guy can't smile
Me: i guess yall can
Prince: lol
Me: Prince i really need to talk to u about sum
Prince: yeah
Me: so i have this friend who need help expressing her feeling to her brother about how she feel about his best friend
Prince: tell her to just say it. It won't change who here brother is everything will be fine well except her brother and his friend friendship
Me: *mumbles* that's what I'm worried about
Prince: what
Me: oh i said thanks and i make sure i tell her that.
(Prince p.o.v)
I knew that "friend" was her but i just played it off for her.
-The next day-
(Roc p.o.v)
I woke up took a shower and got dressed i put one of the matching outfits then i texted Treahna to make sure she put the one that matched on and to see if she need a ride. She told me she didn't need a ride today Prince was going to take her

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