chapter 14

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(Livy p.o.v)
When i found Prince, he was drunk, high and talking to some girl i was kinda of mad but my main focus rite now is to get Prince out of the party
Me: come on Prince lets go
Girl: me and him was talking
Me: um idc
Girl: u know what this y i don't come to parties now there is always someone trying to steal my man. Who r u anyways
Me: his best friend
Girl: well he at leaving until a family member of his come get him
Me: and who r u
Girl: someone who is making sure he doesn't get kidnap because he is rich u know
Me: whatever
After she said that i went to go find Treahna. When i found her i told her what happen and have she seen roc she said yeah but she wished she didn't
Treahna: go take a look
When she said that i went off to go find roc. When i found him he was kissing on sum girl. No wonder y treahna wish she didn't see him. I walked up to him and I could tell he was drunk
Me:roc come on its time to go
Roc: y
Me: because I said so
Girl: u can't talk to him like that he is famous who do u think u r
Me: his sister
Girl: oh well let me be quite I would have did the same thing to my brother if he was drunk
Me: hmm, come on chres
Chres: fine
I grabbed chres hand and took him to the front door and texted treahna and said when she gets prince meet us outside
(Treahna p.o.v)
When i got over to Prince ge was talking to some girl. I walked up to them and told prince it's time to go
Girl: y is everyone trying to tell him what to do
Me: i don't know what u mean by everyone but I'm his sister ok
Girl: you his sister your funny he didn't even tell me he had one
Me: well his drunk so I'm sure he didn't tell u a lot about him
Girl: well I'm going to need proof that your his sister
Me: what r u is body guard
Girl: tonight i am
Me i should her pics of my and him
Girl: i still don't believe u
Me: w/e i do not have time for this Prince lets go
Prince: k
Girl: just like that your going to leave me for a nobody
When she said that i grabbed Prince hana and we walked off i don't have time to fight because i want to get my brother home safe.

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