chapter 29

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( roc p. o. v)
The bottle landed on me. Ugh y??
Me: I'm not going
Beauty: come on u went with Treahna
Me: yeah cuz thats treahna
I seen Treahna kinda of smile .
Beauty: ugh u r going to regret this all of u well come on star
Star: sorry y'all she is my ride bye ray
After she said that they was gone
Dede: y she only say bye to u
Ray: I don't know
Tre: u know what is going on
Me: what u mean
Livy: rite y was y'all acting weird when they came
Diggy,Trevor & Jacob latimore: bye
Us: bye
Tre: back to what we was saying
Me: look them r our ex's
Livy: y did they come
Me: they said to get us back
When I said that a frown came on both of their faces.
Prince: but we don't want them we want y'all *hugs livy*
Me: yeah *hugs treahna*
Tre: I just wished y'all would have told us
Me: yeah I think it would make things better
Ray: but it was your ideal not to tell them
Tre: oh really
Me: dang ray u have a big mouth
Everyone else: laughing
Me: *embarrassed a little*
Tre: its Ok *kisses his cheek*
Me: that ain't no kiss this i.......
Prince: kiss her and I'm going to bust yo lip
Livy: prince be nice don't u see they r in love
Prince: yeah I don't see that
Tre: Lol
Roc: *whisper in Treahna's ear* maybe later Ok
Tre: Ok
Ray: well me, Dialia, and Ajanae r about to go
The rest of us: bye
Them: bye
After they leave
Livy: so what y'all want to do now
The boys: watch scary movies
Us: nooooooooo
Roc: y
Livy: u know I hate scary movies
Tre: and prince u know I hate them too
The boys: fine what y'all want to watch
Us: Spongebob
Boys: fine

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