I Want You To Be, My Heir

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-As the early morning sunlight streamed through the curtains, casting a warm glow across the room, she groggily opened her eyes. Blinking away sleep, she slowly sat up, only to catch sight of someone lying beside her. Her heart began to race, and her mind was engulfed in a whirlwind of confusion. "Oh Fuck!" she gasped "God!..every time I went to a party, I ended up with someone in my bed!..Fuck!! but who is she?"

Memories from the night before were fuzzy at best, a haze of laughter and drinks in a crowded bar. Faces and conversations blurred together as sh struggled to connect the dots. She couldn't even recall her name, let alone what had transpired between them. Panicking, she fumbled to find her phone, trying to piece together the scattered remnants of the previous evening. The screen illuminated, and a flood of notifications bombarded her. She clicked on the time and gasped loudly. Class was starting in just thirty minutes, and she hadn't even prepared for it.

-She glanced at the stranger in her bed, who seemed to be still fast asleep, oblivious to the chaos reigning in her mind. She debated whether to wake her or slip out silently, but an overwhelming sense of guilt tugged at my conscience. Amidst the confusion, one thing remained clear – this girl deserved an explanation. With hesitant steps, she wandered around her room, searching blindly for any clues about her identity. As she rummaged through her clothes and peeked through her bag, memories resurfaced like whispers in her mind. A flash of a smile, a strand of laughter, but still no name. Finally, she discovered her id hidden between her stuff within her bag. Her eyes suddenly opened up widely when she saw her name. "Elizabeth Maria Cooper! t-that's!" she stuttered "she is Mia's cousin!!"

-She then glanced at her and facepalm herself. "Fantastic job Freen!!" she chided "now Mia will never let me go! she will kill me if she knows what I've done!" She kept standing still, as she couldn't comprehend what she had done. She was drifted away, trying to find a solution for her mess. However, being late for class wasn't helping her as much, so she decided to shower and ask the helpers to escort the girl back home. Before she was about to walk towards the restroom, someone bombarded the door, as if she were trying to break it. "FREEN SAROCHA CHANKIMHA!" She yelled "GET YOUR ASS UP! YOUR LATE AND YOU MISSED YOUR CLASS!!" Freen bit her lip, and she wanted to flee her sister's rage. Before she ran towards the restroom, Song opened the door forcefully and entered the room.

-She looked at her sister from top to bottom, with her eyebrow being raised. "Oh don't tell me that someone is snoring behind you!" she chastised "Freen! how many times do I have to tell you! don't bring anyone without mom's consent! do you want her to get enrage! how-" Immediately Freen covered her mouth the moment she noticed that Elizabeth moved. She looked at her with her eyes being shivering with fear. "Song! shut up!" she exclaimed "I was drunk! I didn't brought her here intentionally! I'm in huge mess...so shut up!" Song removed her hand and furrowed. "what did you do now!" she threatened "speak up before it's too late!"

-Freen sighed and glanced over her shoulder. "it's Mia's cousin" she fretted "quite honestly..I don't remember anything from last night..my head hurts..and now I'm in a deep trouble" Song shook her head and looked at Elizabeth. "Oh please tell me that you used a condom!" she prayed "otherwise..you will be forced to the marriage, and let the bloodshed begins" Freen's eyes were widely opened, immediately she ran towards the bed and searched for a sign that she used it. She was panicking about the idea that if that girl by any chance got pregnant, she will dead before she says no. She didn't find anything, but her last chance was the trash bin. She ducked into the trash bin, praying that she used one. Song was silently laughing at her sister, she knew that she doesn't want to get involve with Mia's family, especially since her father once, mentioned a marriage proposal to both of them.

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