May My Heart Be, My Guiding Key

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She lay in bed, tossing and turning unable to sleep as the thoughts of her stepmother's devious plans consumed her mind. She couldn't believe that she delved deeper into her inner world of acquisitiveness, and that she was capable of such betrayal. Ever since she remembers, Elizabeth always been keen to know about everything, especially about her husband's companies and wealth. As such, she began wormed her way into Alexander's affections, and now it seemed like she was intent on destroying everything that surrounded him.

She couldn't shake the feeling that something dark and sinister was at play. The whispered conversations that she overheard with her shady associate, the eavesdropping when she was with her father, sitting as if she owns his study and now rampaging across the scattered papers, trying to find any information that she could use to help her conquer what she thinks that's hers. Even with the plan that Rebecca was about to implement, and the long talks with her father regarding his demand, will not change anything. She knew by now, that Elizabeth has been planning for ages now, and it is a matter of time, until everything falls into her hand.

As she lay there in the darkness, her mind raced with a million different scenarios. Firstly, she envisioned her stepmother making backdoor deals, forging alliances with unscrupulous individuals, and concocting schemes that might even destroy their own home. Secondly, who she was talking to? was she cheating on her father? because her tone was seductive and full of lust. Rebecca knew that the love between Elizabeth and her father was on the edge of crumble, as the only reason for her to bare being around is for his money. Finally, what she will do to her? As she knows that she's her living barrier in front of her fortune. Had she been planning to pull the trigger and order to kill? Would she burry her alive? How far she's been planning? And how long she will live?

Rebecca couldn't bare the swirls that is accruing within her mind. Every thought began to hit her from every angle. Every plan that she had made, has been completely overwhelmed by that certain phone call. With eyes widened by the moment, she felt her heart is pounding so rapidly, that she could feel it hitting her ribcage. Her chest was rising rapidly as her breath was increasing by the second. She was overwhelmed by her imagination that her body began to feel like she was about to faint. With winched mind, she sat down on her bed, with her hand fisting her thick hair. Her jaw was clenched so tightly as if she was about to break it in half. She couldn't hold her tears, she couldn't hide her fears, she couldn't even look at herself, afraid that she will breakdown. Her life at this point, is in utter disarray, she felt like her father and herself are in danger and she cannot act nor do anything without any evidence to prove what Elizabeth has been playing behind their back.

-She then glanced at the clock, which was mimicking her breathing patterns and her heart rhythm. "Its..12 o'clock" she whispered "I wonder if Irin is still awake..I-I want to talk..before I ended up killing myself" before she reached out and grabbed her phone, she wondered if Elizabeth is still sniffing at her father's study. Her eyes suddenly sparkled with curiosity, as this time around she will make sure to record everything. She grabbed her phone, and silently opened the door, making her way back to the office. She saw the lights were off, which caused her to sigh in disappointment. However, that did not stop her to look at what was Elizabeth looking for. She entered the room, and closed the door behind her. She decided to leave the lights off, and only relying on the courtyard lights. She checked her surroundings and found everything was returned back as if none entered the room.

-She growled angrily, and walked closer to her father's desk. She scanned the papers that was scattered on the table, she couldn't find anything that interesting that might have been attracting the rat to the cream. She sat in the chair, heaving a loud sigh. She tilted her back slightly as she was looking at the window. "If I could snitch her phone..I would definitely know how to react" she said, as her eyes wondered around the room "Shit! ever since I eavesdropped..the only person that barged into my mind was...Freen! And that just me adding salt to my wounds" She bit her thumb as she was trying to calm herself down. But none of that was able to vanquish the pain that she caused.

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