Thank You, For Saving Me

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Once again, Freen found herself racing against the clock, driving to the university with her heart pounding in her chest. As the sun almost centered the sky, she desperately tried to make up for lost time. Late for class yet again, her only respite was a steaming cup of coffee she had managed to grab from her favorite coffee shop nearby. From the moment she threw her backpack over her shoulder and dashed out the door, Freen's senses were heightened. The aroma of her freshly brewed coffee filled the car, arousing her senses and giving her a jolt of determination. Gripping the steering wheel tightly, her gaze focused on the road ahead, her foot pressed harder on the accelerator.

The city's evening rush hour intensified her anxiety. Gridlocked traffic seemed to mock her as she zoomed past lanes, searching for every shortcut she could find. Time became her greatest adversary, but Freen was determined to conquer it. As the wind rushed through her open windows, her hair danced chaotically, reflecting her urgency and an unwavering spirit. She began to enjoy the race against time, tuning into her playlist of motivational songs, pushing her adrenaline to new heights. The beats pulsating through the speakers, in sync with her fervor, amplified her feeling of invincibility.

The scent of coffee wafting through the car kept her alert and focused. It was her secret weapon, a catalyst for her superhero-like energy. As the hot liquid touched her lips, she relished the familiar taste that fueled her passion. This simple cup of coffee held the power to transform her from a genius student into a fearless, time-defying heroine. As the university campus neared, Freen felt a glimmer of triumph. She had outsmarted time once again. Her heart surged with adrenaline, fueling her final leap towards the finish line. Parking hastily, she sprinted towards her lecture hall, trying her best to get there before Prof. Harris starts the lecture, as she always threatened her to drop the course, if she ever been late again.

Breathless and flushed, she entered the lecture hall just as the professor raised her hand to start. The room fell silent; all eyes were upon her. Freen took a deep breath and flashed an unapologetic smile, her eyes sparkling with the thrill of the chase. She made her way to her usual seat, which is in the last row next to the window. She likes to sit there letting her mind calm and drift away into her labyrinth of thoughts. The moment she sat, her eyes immediately turned and glanced at the students who were laughing and chilling together outside the campus. She rested her head on her hand, looking at them as her smile got wider as if she is listening to them. She wanted to forget what happened to her ever since this morning.

She wanted to brush off the fear that something might happen to her family. Although, she was debating whether to tell her friends regarding the sudden shift of power. And, how her father decided that she should be the one who must run his empire. She kept calculating and measuring, different possibilities, different out comes of her decisions. Her worries suddenly crawls around her soul the moment she remembers her uncle Jackson. Little that she knows about him, as he always lurking behind the scenes, waiting patiently for a disaster that might end her father's life. She had met him, few times during her lifetime, but her interactions with him, were mere moments. He doesn't show any love nor appreciation, as his aura, always engulfed with jealousy and hatred.

-She knew that handling him, might cost her energy and patience, but she won't tolerate with the safety of her family. "My dream..might be..crushed" she murmured "but I won't allow destroy what my father had built". She kept glancing at the students, until her eyes wondered at the sky. Her moment of calm was eventually lost to the last person she wanted to see. Mia switched her seat, as she sat next to her crush. Her hand reaching out and held her arm, gripping it tightly to get her attention. Freen heaved a sigh and looked at her from the tip of her eye. "Mia...what do you want?" She whispered "trust me I'm not in the mood, so leave me be" Mia smirked and leaned over her shoulder. "I've missed you so much!" She breathed "Where were you yesterday? I've heard that you left with someone! is that right!"

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