A Final Gift, To Rise High, To Play My Part

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As she finished packing up the last of her late family belongings, Freen couldn't shake the feeling of unease that had settled in the pit of her stomach. The house that had once filled with warmth and laughter now felt cold and empty. Tears welled up in her eyes as she closed the last box and took one final look around the place that had been her childhood home.

As she sniveled and wiped away the tear that escaped her sorrowful eyes, as she slowly turned back and walked around the house again. With each step she took, with each sound coming from her shoes, enervated her body. It felt like a dream that never ends, a chaos of endless nightmares that would never cease to perish. However, all of this had to stop, as it's time to reanimate the dream. As her eyes wondered around the seemingly cold corners. Her lips formed a soft smile, while her mind reincarnate the memories of long past.

How could she forget such memories that carved in her mind? How could she let go of the last string that is connected with her late family? The past few days wasn't merciful on her, and the future might be even worse than what she had endured. Her feet aligned the moment she found herself facing her parent bedroom's door. Fear and grief crawled through her wearing veins, while her heart sank into the ground. The air was thin, the sweat rushed from her skin, as if she were running for her life.

But all of that agony, had to be left on the corner of her mind, the moment her hand uncontrollably turned the knob. The creaking noise that came from the door, shivered her body. Darkness was still present, despondency was evident in her eyes, as her breath hitched the as soon as she switched on the lights. Tears blurred her sight, the second her eyes fell on the hollowed portraits. The seen teared her apart, as she looked deeply at the trace of the dirt that marked the portraits.

It wasn't just the portraits that made her eyes welled with tears, it was the emptiness of the room, the flowing dust that is dancing around the curtains, the echo of her own voice resonated through the room, the once was filled with her parents warmth and laughter. Her trembling feet began to take their move, until she stopped in the middle. She looked around, trying to memorize every moment she witnessed, as she tries desperately to remember everything.

-She took a moment until the creaking sounds push her back to her reality. Slowly she shook her head, and made her way towards the closest, making sure that nothing was left behind. She instructed Ms. Freeman to collect everything, she doesn't want those who will live here, touch anything that is hers to have. "Ive lost everything" she said to her before they started packing up "and now..I don't want to lose their belongings as well..so please pack up everything, and don't leave anything behind!"

-The moment she closed the closet, she glanced at the room one last time before leaving. "I promise..to come back and fill this room again" she murmured, as she opened the door "until then...mom..dad...look after me..wherever you are" With heavy heart she closed the door behind her. She couldn't help but to tilt her head against the door, and shed those tears that suffocate her soul. She stood there for a moment before her hand wiped away her sorrow, she looked at the room that she still had a glimmer of hope, a hope that the one that she could throw her head into the warmth of her heart, would be waiting there.

-Momentarily she found herself standing in front of the door. Her heart was pounding the moment she touched the door knob. However, before she burst into the room as she does always. She gently knocked the door, praying for a voice that could heal her wounds. She waited for a moment before she accepted the reality and turned the knob. As the door swung open, a hit of the cold soulless air, touched her body. She felt it, hitting her spine as her body began to shiver like if she was standing in the middle of the snow. She took her step and closed the door behind her. She stood still in the middle of the darkness, crossing her arms as she hugged herself. "Sis...Anne...I've missed you both so much!" she whispered as closed her eyes "God..why you guys didn't take me with you!"

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