For A Change Of Heart, We Beseech

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As the first rays of the morning sun filtered through the blinds, Rebecca stirred from her sleep, her mind filled with the weight of the conversation she had with her father the night before. She couldn't believe that he had finally broached the subject of his empire, and the fact that he wanted to transfer it all to her. She had always known that it is a matter of time before her father actually openly discuss the transfer of his vast empire to her was more than she had ever expected. She had always been groomed for the role, but the actuality of it all was still somewhat overwhelming.

As she lay in bed, her thoughts turned to her stepmother, Elizabeth. She knew that Elizabeth would be furious at the idea of being overlooked in favor of her. Elizabeth had always been manipulative and power-hungry, and she had made no secret of her desire to take control of her husband's empire. Rebecca sighed, dreading the inevitable confrontation that would follow her father's decision. She knew that Elizabeth would stop at nothing to sabotage her chances of taking over. And with her father's constant travelling, and her last threat, she will do anything to get rid of her, once and for all.

She knew that her father always has his way into deviating his words. Yes he told her that he will just teach her, it's actually the opposite. The moment he travels, he will send her a message with his instructions on how to handle certain things. He done it almost all the time, and Rebecca knew that this time, it will be running his companies. As such, and to ensure her safety from her stepmother, Rebecca proposed a plan or according to her, a safeguard plan. She told him, to not announce it publicly, she will run it in secret. As such, Elizabeth will take over, like she always wanted, but the final decisions will always be made by her. And since he is not around, Rebecca made a second plan, in which the secretary will always be in touch with her. As both of them will create a cover, in which pretending that Alexander has the final word, while it is Rebecca all along.

It was a risky idea, that the chances of pulling it through would be 50%. Alexander knew that Elizabeth is cunning, but he can't simply divorce her. He loved her dearly, and always had a feeling that someday she will change. Despite all of Rebecca's troubles and struggles with her, despite what he heard about her, still there is a part within his heart, that can't simply let her go. Regardless of his love towards her, Alexander has always wanted his daughter to handle his empire. He always emphasized that his empire should be passed down from generation to generation, and none would be able to change that idea. Even with the proposed plan, Rebecca still have doubts, she doesn't know what her stepmother has been preparing behind her back, she doesn't know how far she can get in order to get rid of her. But despite that, she had to do anything for her own safety.

On the other hand, and unknown to her father who tried to conceal his suspicions actions with the company's activities, Rebecca knew about all of these issues. She once eavesdropped on his conversations with his lawyer, upon hearing that, she secretly read all of his emails and documents about the matter, in which made her feel disappointed. However, with such revelation, her love towards him will never change. She was still laying on the bed, thinking about what might happen if Elizabeth ever knew, would she kill her, like she always dreamt of doing? Would she kill her father, choosing money over him? Or would she kill them both, and cut off every possibility that might harm her future? All of these thoughts were swirling around her head, every angle of her room, triggered a memory of past events. Every corner, every object, everything that touches every singularity was a memory, that none in this world could ever bare.

Rebecca, to people's eyes is a benevolent gift. Lovely young lady, holding such beauty that charms anyone. Everyone wanted to get close to her, she even received many marriage proposals, but all of those were simply rejected. However, little that they knew, that Rebecca is nothing of what she reflects from the outside. She's a husk of something that she kept it safe all her life. The love, affection and care, was only given to her close friends. It wasn't easy to give, but she had her way of showing them her gratitude. Irin kept trying to change her perspective of the world and the people. She even asked her to meet her peers in college, but all of her attempts were failed.

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