When The Odds Align With Time, And Favor Smiles Upon Their Fate

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As the soft rays of sunlight gently caressed her face, she stirred from her slumber, feeling a sense of tranquility wash over her. The previous day had been filled with back-to-back meetings and deadlines, leaving her drained both physically and mentally. But in that moment as she lay in bed and basked in the warm embrace of the morning light, she felt a renewed sense of energy and a feeling of excitement.

-As she slowly sat on bed, she stretched her arms and inhaled deeply. The curtains suddenly opened slowly, while the lights of both the restroom and the dressing room turned on. Freen chuckled as she looked at her wrist. "Good morning Freen" she said in a tone of softness "I can tell that you slept well, judging from your vital signs and your snores" Freen blinked twice and tucked her lip between her teeth. "Good morning BETA...well thank you for the morning assessment..however, you can blame Nita for my snores thank you very much" Seconds later BETA responded with a chuckle. "Noted boss...now shall I walk you through your schedule for the day?..before Ms. Jensen cut my wires?"

-Freen hummed as she slowly crawled out from her bed. "You have three meetings once more this morning, and one of those meetings will be conducted virtually...after that you will have lunch with the head of project Mr. Morales, discussing your next expansion project in the state nearby...later this afternoon, you will update the softwares in question, as you will conclude your work..the rest of the day is open for you to do whatever you like" As Freen entered the restroom and closed the door behind her, as instructed BETA to do the following. "Alright thank you...now would you ask Ms. Freeman to prepare my coffee...and I want a further investigation about the EXPO..still there are no updates from their side...knowing that Mia has her hands on them..and I can't afford to lose against her..not to that leech!"

-As Freen stood inside the shower, letting the warm water touch her skin, she began remembering all that had happened since the day she sat on her office chair. It wasn't a past that filled with rainbows and happiness, but it was a challenge that shaped her to the person she is right now. Soft chuckles escapes her lips, as she specifically remembered how her friends reacted on their first day of work. "I will never forget their faces, especially Nam..she was beyond bossy...but I'm glad, to have them all around me..I'm really glad"

Freen's POV;

Well, a long time has passed since that day when I saw her in the cafe. Her smile was truly carved into my soul, which made me never regret saving her from that idiot. From that day onwards, I started working really hard. I perfected BETA, made her the AI that everyone wishes to own, even that leech Mia, couldn't build such thing, knowing that she had tried. Thanks to Mr. Morales, my company was perfect in every single way possible, he helped me with everything to be honest, and such success wasn't doable without him. And finally after long last, my friends graduated with high honors, I was so proud of them, I knew they worked hard for themselves and for me. As promised, they immediately started working for me the moment my company was up and running.

As my company was publicly acknowledged by the entire world, of course I faced serval obstacles. Starting with my rat uncle who was beyond furious and on the verge of exploding the moment he sat right in front of me. At that point, I saw great hate within his eyes, his aura once again and always, radiant in loathe and abhorrence. I promised him to take what is mine, and he assured me to destroy my life, and here we are, battling whenever possible. He loses of course, since he's an idiot, and I, thanks to my experience in hacking, plus my beloved creation, I have eyes and ears everywhere, which made me as always ten steps ahead.

The second challenge, was the governments. They demanded me to shutdown BETA, or give them access to my servers. I laughed extremely loudly when I was in court. Of course none of their demands ever made sense, and I simply won the case by showing them that BETA, is connected to me, through the wristband that I created. If something happened to me, an extinction protocol will activate, it will erase all of her date and shut her down. I can't let anyone touches her, she's mine, and having her in the wrong hands, will cause severe consequences to everyone and everything.

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