I Vow To You, I Will Make Amends, I Will Change

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She sat in the back of the classroom next to her frustrated friend, trying to focus on the lesson being taught, but her mind was elsewhere. The weight of her burdens was heavy on her heart, and she could feel the tears welling up in her eyes.

She tried to hold them back, to be strong and composed, but the emotions were too overwhelming. As the tears began to flow down her cheeks, she knew she had to escape. She quietly excused herself from the classroom and made her way to the bathroom.

Once inside, she locked herself in a stall and turned on the faucet. As she splashed cold water on her face, she could feel the tension begin to melt away. The tears continued to fall, but with each drop, she felt a little lighter. She glanced at her reddened eyes, as she continued to cry silently. Her arms crossed touching her shoulders as she tried to calm herself. But none of that was able to maintain the pain that she held from days past.

-She gasped when she tightened her grip on her arms, her tears flowing down burning her cheeks, as they are filled by anger and pain. She couldn't help but to sit on her knees, rocking her body, as she continued with her agony. Moments after, she inhaled deeply, while closing her eyes, as her mind began to calm down. "It's alright Becky...It's alright...everything is going to be okay...you just have to endure this phase...and everything will turn around..okay?" She kept repeating such words, until finally she managed to stand up again. She washed her face one more time, until she saw that her tears were mixed with the water.

She glanced at herself through the mirror, picking up the tissues near by, and wiping her face. She made sure to not leave any drip of water, as she doesn't want Irin to notice. After wiping her face, and fixing her clothes, she smiled and made her way back to her classroom.

Rebecca's POV;

Who I am I trying to act foolish against? Irin? Heh, she knows everything by now, I can feel it. The way she acts around me, the way she's more concerned about me, the more she talks about any possible things to make me spill the beans is horrendous. The problem is, I truly want to talk, I truly want to just throw myself into her arms and just cry, but I can't! Unfortunately I can't.

-God I don't want to go back, I don't want to face her, but having her around me, calms my anxiety down. "Alright Rebecca!..you can do this!..come on!" Okay, here I go, at least the class will take awhile to end, and for now I can be in my own little world, away from Quinn. As I entered closing the door behind me, I can see everyone around looking at me as they smile. Irin on the other hand, was looking at me like if I was a criminal walking across my murder scene.

-I gulped as my eyes met with hers, but I have to play along with her. I made my way through the room until I took my place next to her. She turned her face and glanced at me from top to bottom, while was pretending to be focusing on the professor. I can hear a soft groan escaping her lips, but once more I can't face her right now. Shortly after, I can sense her breath against my ear as she whispered sternly. "Becky!...where the hell have you been!..there is a group work shortly after this slide and I don't want to be paired with someone else!..by someone else I mean four eyes!"

-I couldn't help myself from laughing, as I placed my hand on my mouth to compose myself. I looked at her from the corner of my eyes as I teased. "But Irin..she looked so desperate for your attention sweetheart..give her a chance!" Irin growled, as she smacked my arm, which actually hurts. "Becky!" she whispered sharply "shush!..my heart belongs to my one and only". Such words made me realize how much Irin loves Tee. I'm so happy for her, really I am, at least one of us can live happily ever after in this universe.

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