A Covenant, Engraved Within My Heart

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She had lost everything, her trial, her reputation, and her livelihood. The weight of the world pressed down on her as she made her way back to the place she once called home. The skies were ominously dark, and as she trudged through the rain-soaked streets, the heaviness of her defeat seemed to mirror the torrential downpour above. The familiar sights and sounds of home offered little comfort as she approached the house where she had once found solace and joy. The rain poured relentlessly, drenching her to the bone as she stood on the doorstep, feeling like an outsider in her own life. The thought of facing the helpers, those who were working at her home, and Ms. Freeman, filled her with a deep sense of shame and dread.

As she entered the house, the quiet stillness that greeted her was deafening. The warmth and laughter that had once filled these walls were now replaced by a heavy silence that weighed on her soul. She could see the disappointment in the eyes of her family portraits as they glanced up from wherever they are, acknowledging that she truly failed them. As she stood still in the middle of the entrance hall, glancing at every corner that she once called home, feeling the weight and burden increases by the second. She couldn't do anything, she couldn't act, she failed, lost and broken.

-Her friends stood stiffly behind, forming an incomplete circle, waiting for her to throw the burden at them. With clenched fist, and gritted teeth, she walked towards the priceless grandfather clock, the one that her mother cherished dearly. She opened the door, and turned the hour hand and the minute hand back to 11:30am. With a soft gasp leaving the lips of her friends, she turned and looked at them as her cheeks stained with tears. "July 30, 2060..exactly at this hour...I received the message from captain Benjamin..telling me that..he lost control of the flight..and he sent me, my father's recording in which..it was the last string that connected me to him" she lamented, as she turned and changed the clock again. "the same day..at 9pm when you guys left..Ms.Freeman, shared my mother's recording..which left me begging for someone to kill me..RIGHT THERE! SO I COULD JUST SIMPLY REST!"

-Her friends were about to rush and hold her tight, but Ms. Freeman came right next to them as she shook her head, asking them to stop. They were shocked about her demand, but shortly after, they realize that in order for Freen to find solace, she has to let out everything that she held within her heart. She kept changing the clock, screaming and crying as each time the clock struck at a specific time. Her friends behind her were all in tears, glancing at each other as they are unable to do anything to ease her grief. Her screams have stopped the moment the clock struck at 12:30 pm. She closed the door and turned to look at her friends. "Friday, August 6 2060..at this hour, my uncle stripped me of my dignity, my family's legacy, my future and...well my entire life" she gripped, as she walked towards her friends "now tell me..guys..how's everything else is going to be okay?...huh?...ANSWER ME!"

-Kade gulped and got closer to her. "Freen...your lost..is ours as well" she consoled, while her hand caressing her hair "even though..everything seems to be collapsing and well..ruined..but remember that we are here for you..all of us!" Freen laughed sarcastically "oh..you are still living in your delusional bubble Kade" she mocked, as she lowered her hand "nothing is going to be better from now on!..nothing! Even though I promised to get my revenge..but those were mere words..I can't fight him..I don't have anything left..actually I don't have anything against him..the moment I move or act..I'll be spending the rest of my life in the psychiatric hospital!..I guess I'm crazy huh?"

-Heng sighed and reached out holding Freen's arms. "Freen!..a simple lose..doesn't mean that the world has ended!" he exclaimed, as he shook her body "don't give up on everything! Yo-" Freen snarled and forcefully lowered his hands "what's left Heng!..haven't you heard what the judge said? Haven't you seen me signing the papers!" she raged as she pushed him away "you all won't understand what I'm feeling right now! You all think that everything will be just fine and let's start over!..it's not a game Heng!" Nita walked closer to Freen and held her hand. "Freen honey..how about you go upstairs and get some rest?" she said as she looked at her friends "we will talk about whatever you want afterwards..we promise"

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