With Every Move, Like Chess Pieces Played, The Battle Of Wits, Begin To Clash

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The sun peeked over the horizon, bathing the city in a warm golden hue as the morning of the court hearing arrived. The air was thick with anticipation, charged with the energy of what later ahead. Freen, had never imagined that she will reach to this moment, that a courtroom battle could determine the fate of her much anticipated Expo for Technology and Entertainment, dubbed TechElysium.

After several days of preparation, after several hours  of questioning and proposing endless possibilities with a different outcomes, the team has finally reached the final stage of their journey. The morning before their trial, the atmosphere inside Freen's office was a crucible of intensity. The law team and Tee's social media team hustled between everyone. Their footsteps echoing off the glass walls adorned with holographic accolades and recognitions of past victories.

Rebecca was of course the lead attorney in this case, along with Irin who's going to assist her in this trial. Of course they are supported by the elite group that has been chosen by Rebecca, as this will mark a new era in Freen's career. As the hustle continues, every one seems to be working together, the ideas that have been brought together by everyone else has become more and more important than any other. And this collective effort has a huge impact on Freen. She felt that everyone truly wanted her to succeed, everyone wanted her to be successful, and because of that, they won't go unnoticed by her.

-As the time passed, Rebecca glanced at her phone and saw that the time came for them to leave. Instantly she stood at the head of the table, looking at everyone in determination. Truly her presence exuded authority. "Remember how far we were and how far we came!" she began, the room falling silent. "This Expo isn't just about us, it's about pushing boundaries, sparking innovation, and creating platform for voices that often go unheard..we're in a fight not just for Ms. Chankimha, but for everyone who believes in the future we're trying to create!" They all nodded in agreement that the fight is theirs to win. Freen felt so proud of Rebecca, and the way she handled everything so far. The trust between them has grown stronger since the day they met again. And now Freen won't hesitate to move mountains for her.

As they collected their belongings and gathered together to leave, Freen remained with Tee for a bit before joining them. She felt nervous, she was shaking internally, but she didn't want to show any signs of discomfort in front of her friend. Tee knew Freen very well. Even though she tried to hide her nervousness, her eyes will always tell a different tale. She stood next to her, after asking her group to leave, wanting to assure her frightened friend, that everything will go according to plan.

-As she touched her back gently, Freen flenched upon contact. Tee rubbed her back, while patting her every now and then, waiting patiently for her to say something. "Don't worry Freen" she soothed "you got the dream team, plus the votes of the two senators..so don't worry too much" Freen shook her head and glanced at her face. "It's not that...It's just..." Tee smiled and added "I know, it's a do or die situation that you can't afford to lose..I understand girl"

-"Even though I am always steps ahead of Mia, but I never underestimate her abilities...she's more clever than you guys think" Tee sighed and nodded. "Yep, I know" she concurred "plus she was beyond pissed off regarding the lawsuit against her...BETA told us that she's still doesn't know who had all of the information about such a sensitive matter, which her company has been working on for ages now!" Freen glanced over the pad and mumbled. "To be honest, she's acting stupidly and I will take everything against her"

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