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So when Sasha and Joshua lead her off the plane, she lets out a little gasp. 

The sun is shining bright and she squints, the light casting an orange glow through her eyelids.

Harriet feels a bit scrambled, her legs wobbling when they connect with the warm concrete.

Sasha and Joshua lug her bag down the stairs attached to the plane, the little pink bag making a clink noise as it goes.

Harriet ponders what the two packed for her while she was unconscious, and she contemplates asking them, but stops herself just as fast.

She nabs her bag off Sasha after a short argument and strides off into the airport waiting area.

It's even busier than the airport back in Georgia, everyone pushing past each other and mothers covering their children's ears to protect them from the barrage of curses that floated around the place.

They're all like a swarm of bees, dancing and buzzing around each other.

'Which way, captains?' Harriet retorts, raising a perfectly arched eyebrow.

'Follow me, Mi- Harriet.' Joshua says, catching himself when Harriet shoots him a withering glare. 

She tries her best not to touch anyone but it's unbearably hard. 

Her shoulder occasionally bumps someone, and her bag isn't completely clear of toddlers, but she makes it to the taxi pick up without any hassle.

 Sasha and Josh call for a taxi, the yellow vehicle so bright it makes her wish Joshua packed sunglasses. Wait. He did, right?

They hop in, the hot leather burning her butt as Harriet sits down.

Unlike the black SUV they left at the airport, the taxi has a less high comfort level. There's trash on the floor, the seats are burning hot and the metal on the seat belts scorching.

The transparent surface on the window is so reflective she can see every feature on her face, every blemish and freckle.

A sense of fear washes over her when she realises she doesn't know where they're going.

Harriet looks at Sasha, confused out of her mind.

I hate this so much.

So, so much.

Harriet looks at her friends (she hopes), with concern in her eyes.

Sasha's been fidgety ever since they landed, and Josh has been offering small doses of condolence.

Harriet suspects they're a couple.

Her gaze falls to Sasha sitting next to her, furrowing her brows. 'Where are we going?' She asks, her voice a midge off from demanding.

'I can't tell you that yet Harriet, I'm sorry.'

Harriet rolls her eyes in return, crossing her arms over her tour shirt.

'Sure you are.' She mutters under her breath.

They drive for about another half an hour,  soon pulling towards what Harriet knows to be...

Stark Tower? 

'Stark Tower? The Avengers? What the fuc-'

She's cut off by Sasha's airy voice. 'Yes, we're going to Stark Tower. You'll work here for majority of your time.'

Harriet scowls. 'No way. Dangerous things happen here; i thought you wanted me out of danger.'

Sasha raises an eyebrow. 'We do want you out of danger. That's why you'll be working at the Tower, so the Avengers can keep an eye on you.'

This makes Harriet's scowl deepen. 'Why would i want  that? And why do i need it? I've been told little to nothing about this.'

'Because it is confidential.'

'What's so bloody important that I have to be 'checked up on' by the fucking Avengers!?'  Harriet yells loudly, raising her arms. Sasha has no visible reaction to her outburst, her hands crossed over each other in her lap.

Harriet grimaces at her childish fit, dropping her arms and looking out the window. 

Harriet hates needing protecting.

a/n: omg i haven't updated in so long and i started getting all these story ideas and stuff so i started posting new book covers and info and i changed most of my cover styles like bro :)

that all happened in about a week. damn. crazy, huh? excited for halloween tho :)

love ya'll,


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