start of new life

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"i said i........i love naruto! " hearing this words naruto was so overwhelmed with emotions. He didn't know how to react . He had loved sasuke when he was 9 and till then he constantly loved sasuke but Sai ruined all plans and didn't let naruto confess to sasuke but now , sasuke did it , sasuke did something that naruto couldn't do for many years. He was happy but he still couldn't get over the fact of saomi's death . As naruto said earlier that even if saomi's father was a demon , naruto was still a mother to her and a job of an mother is to protect its child but naruto couldn't do that which made naruto think worst of himself. Naruto couldn't handle the truma and sasuke's confession at the same time , it was too much for him . " i-i d-d-dont know sasuke please I am sorry but not now ! " naruto ran off crying and sasuke followed him . " i don't know what to do , it's too much for me to handle right now , i wanted sasuke in my life but not like this! I am not in a state of accepting his proposal "  naruto talked to himself while crying his heart out . Sasuke had heard everything and decided to give naruto a little space to calm down. Naruto cried the whole night while sasuke was watching over naruto from outside the room because naruto was in a very vulnerable state and sasuke didn't want to panic naruto. The next morning both of them where lookin like a mess because both of them were awake the whole night. " sasuke did u sleep well because u don't look very-" "yes!" . Naruto was cut off by sasuke with a very quick yes which was more than a answer to naruto that sasuke also didn't sleep the whole night. " hey look i am sorry for rejecting you yesterday...... I just couldn't handle things right at the moment sasuke 'snuffle' i just can't " naruto said while his head was lowered. " i-i also love u too sasuke . I want to start a new life with you sasuke . I've always wanted you but it was like God didn't approve. Back when we were 9 I've always wanted to be your's but many things stoped came in my way . If u know me well i always say i never give up but on this matter,i have up and left this matter to God" naruto sobbed " but now God had listened to me and fullfilled my greatest of wishes , including u loving me" naruto said in an sad manner . "I know how it feels naruto i-i didn't know the right time to confess to you and an sudden urge came in me to tell u the truth naruto. I am sorry I did it in an wrong way" sasuke said calmingly.

In this world there were three types of people omega,beta,alpha . It was common for a male to be a omaga but it was uncommon for females to be alpha. Naruto was an omaga for which he had be harashed many times. He hated his life until now. Sasuke had entered naruto's difficult life which made naruto happy and he was sure his life will become perfect afterwards

"Naruto? Are you listening? Naruto!" Sasuke was calling naruto while naruto was busy in his own thoughts. "Yha?" Naruto asked sasuke " you know I was thinking if..if we could get married." Sasuke asked naruto. "Yes sasuke yes i accept! I want to start a new life with you!" Naruto said happily

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