The Start.

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I slowly sat down on the bed looking at the mess that was in front of me. All the papers had phone numbers and a lot of names on them.

Suddenly the door busted open. Tom. "What are you doing here?" he asked looking around. "Nothing, do I have any clothes in here?" I asked. "Why would-? Oh, yeah, no, I told my men to go get them, I guess they are taking longer than I expected." he said rubbing the back of his head, I could tell he was lying.

"Go shower, we have somewhere to go." he said coldly before leaving the room, he gave me chills.
The bathroom was pretty clean, I locked the door behind me and I got undressed. I turned on the hot water and just sat there, water falling softly on my skin.

He only had men products, that contained in 3 in 1 shampoo and a body wash. If I was really married to him I should have some women products in here because I would have never used that. I had no choice but to put that thing on my hair, to me it's the same as washing my hair with dish soap.

I wrapped a towel around me and got out of the bathroom. I didn't expect to see Tom sitting on the bed. "Turn around!" I screamed at him. "What the fuck?!" he screamed back. "Give me something to wear you pervert!" I screamed back at him. "If you scream at me one more time I'll make sure it's the last!" he screamed as he threw a shirt at me.

I quickly dropped the towel and put on the shirt he gave me. "Where the fuck are my clothes?" I asked him pissed. He got up from his bed and I heard something heavy drop on the floor. I looked down at his feet and saw a fucking gun.

I know who Tom is, he forced me to marry him, I remember everything...
How he pointed the gun at my face, how my dad called me a horrible person, how my sisters cried in my arms. All of it.

"You lying, psycho bitch!!" I screamed as I tried to push him but it didn't do anything.He pushed me and I fell to the ground. "Don't you dare speak to me like that!" he said as he slapped me. I could feel rage building up inside me.

I cupped my face with my hand and kneed him, he fell down, holding his masculinity, that was my opportunity to run. I quickly got up and ran out the door, I ran down the stairs and went to the kitchen. I grabbed the first thing I could find, a fucking plate.

I heard his heavy footsteps coming down and I could hear him swearing. "Fucking cunt!" he screamed at me. I got scared and I threw the plate at his head, but I missed. "Are you fucking dumb?!" he screamed even louder. "Leave me alone!" I screamed at him as I grabbed a knife from the counter. He pulled out his gun, shit.

I was about to throw the knife at him when Bill busted in the kitchen. "What are you doing?" he asked confused. Tom was holding up the gun to my face and I was holding up the knife at him, if the table wasn't separating us I would be dead. I put the knife down. "I remembered everything." I said as I glared at Tom. "Oh..Tom put the gun down." He said as he looked over at Tom. He put the gun down.

"We need to get ready for tonight." Bill said. "What's tonight?" I asked. "Can you stop asking so many questions?!" Tom said annoyed. "Can you stop being a fucking bitch all the time?!" I raised my voice at him, he was about to say something but Bill stopped him.

"You'll see. Now go get ready." Bill said. "I can't get ready, I have no makeup and no clothes." I said. "Come with me." Bill said as he left the kitchen.

We walked up to his room. "I have makeup." He said. We entered his room and I saw a big vanity with a lot of makeup on it. "You can use whatever you like." he said as he gave me a small smile. "Thank you!" I said as I sat down.
He left me alone in the room and I started doing my thing.

I was done, I did a wing liner with dark eyeshadow. I heard them talking downstairs but I couldn't understand what they were saying. Curiosity got the best of me and I slowly opened the door and sat at the edge of the stairs to try and understand what they were saying.

"Tom, du musst aufhören, dich so zu benehmen!" , "Mich?! Wie soll ich cool bleiben, wenn sie sich die ganze Zeit wie eine Schlampe benimmt?" , "Warum versuche ich es überhaupt, mit dir zu reden ist sinnlos.." . Fuck their language. My mom spoke a bit of german and I learned a bit from her.

They were saying something about how Tom should stop acting like that, and then Tom said that it's not him, it's me I think? And the last part I didn't understand.

I heard someone getting close to the stairs and I got up and pretended I wanted to go downstairs. Luckily it was Bill. "Bill I don't have anything to wear." I said to him. "Yes you do, go into Toms room." he said.

I opened the door and saw a black outfit laid on the bed. It was a mini skirt and a top, on the floor were a pair of black heels. No way am I putting that on.

Tom opened the door. "Get dressed." he said. "I'm not wearing that." I said, "Yes you are." he said as he walked out and closed the door.
I rolled my eyes and put on the skirt that was the size of a belt.

"Fuck this shit." I said as I tried not to fall down the stairs. Tom and Bill were waiting at the door for me. As I got down I looked at Tom and saw him smirking, this bitch.
"Come on!" Bill said as he opened the front door and walked to his car.

I got into Toms car and waited for him to start the engine. Where could we possibly go?

My Feared Husband-Tom Kaulitz Where stories live. Discover now